AndyTorresDam AndyTorresDam2 AndyTorresDam8 AndyTorresDam5 AndyTorresDam9 AndyTorresDam4 AndyTorresDam3Leather Skirt: Designers Remix  |  Sandals: Senso  |  Bag: Givenchy  |  Coat: Vintage  |  Sweater: Uniqlo  |  Rings: Tom Wood  |  Shark & Quartz necklaces: Fashionology.nl

Spring has sprung and we get flashes of hot days every now and then, hot enough to go bare legged, yes, over 18 degrees. I didn’t shoot these photos yesterday, I am still at home in bed, so no worries to the person who gave me a full breakdown on how many times I’ve gotten sick in the past 3 years. I am amazed she has been keeping track and quite inaccurately actually because no, I don’t get sick that often, I am only human, just like she is.
Anyways, enough about the flu, boom!  3 more days until I fly to Sao Paulo. EXCITED!!!

andy signature


108 Responses

  1. OMG!
    I love that outfit! You look amazing and that Legs!!!!!! Oh my!!!

    FRIENDS; please visit my blog, its new and fresh! See you there!

    AMigos hispanoparlantes! visiten mi blog es nuevo! necesito su apoyo, visiten y comenten! Andy si?

  2. Ce look est top la jupe est superbe le pull est magnifique le manteau est hyper beau les chaussures sont hyper belles les photos sont sublimes