I just came out of the movies, I don’t even remember when was the last time I went and sat at a movie theatre, I have missed it. I watched the movie HER because I heard a friend talking about it last week in Paris. It seemed like a strange concept, I mean, a guy that falls in love with his Operating System, so I got intrigued.
I don’t know how many of you have watched it, so I wont give any spoilers, the thing is, the whole concept seemed so weird and awkward, how can a person develop a relationship with their phone?, but then it got me thinking. How much time do you spend time on your phone? Instagraming, whatsapping, on facebook, on twitter. I’ve watched people around me, having lunch with friends, while everyone is spending more time picking up their phones and doing what not while seating on the table, walking, on the bus, at work. Well, also me, I wont deny it.
A world where people are able to develop a relationship with their phones seems so far fetched, even impossible and obviously it was just a movie, but it got me thinking of how addicted we have become to our phones.
One thing is, I don’t think I feel much need to use Siri after this movie.

But to all of this, what do you think? Have you watched it? The trailer is after the jump if you feel like it.

andy signatureA

32 Responses

  1. Bueno, Andy. Lo primero que tienes que tomar en cuenta es que esta película está mucho más cerca de la ciencia ficción que del documental. Segundo, su argumento traza los ángulos de una distopía no muy lejana. Es curioso pensar que un futuro distópico es más cercano a la realidad de lo que parece. Escandalizarse por su concepto tampoco me parece adecuado, es obviar y hasta demeritar la compeljidad humana. Más bien, me parece que HER se suma de manera crítica a la exposición de una sociedad protésica. Sobre todo, es sumamente interesante porque exhibe las muchas formas de transferencia erótica (no hay que olvidar a los fanáticos de las real dolls). La exploración de estas cuestiones es de gran importancia para el examen, sin duda antropológico, de la subjetivdad contemporánea.

  2. Yea,I have watched it.The concept is intersting,something unique.But also very strange.
    I just hope that the future won’t be like this.

  3. I thought the film was absolutely fantastic and raised really interesting issues, like what is the purpose of a relationship? Is it physical or companionship? If the physical isn’t that important then why not fall in love with your OS? Its not all that futuristic at all, people fall in love online the whole time – in chat rooms, online dating etc. I don’t think we are that far off Her at all.


  4. OMG i saw it last night and i think exactly as you, i was wondering how bad is thay maybe in a future people are going to live like him, he was so lonely, so this operating system was his only refuge and company, so sad to think there are so many people like him.

  5. I saw it a while ago, one of the most bizarre and awkward films I have seen! Futuristic yet all the fashion seemed 70’s ish, and so high waisted, it was a bit too long for me too. But I do agree technology can take over too much from things

  6. I watched it about a month ago and absolutely loved it! So clever, well-made and “realistic” for the future. just think about how many times you’re sitting in front of someone while doing something with your phone instead of actually having a real conversation… To think and deep :)


  7. I’m going to watch this when it hits the theater here. In a way we are all in love with out gadget what ever it is. It is scary to think what kind of world will our children, grandchildren live in. I am proud to be the 70s baby and grew up in the 80s.. we truly enjoyed life in the most organic way. Have a great day!

  8. I had the same thoughts about Siri :) We should look in each others eyes more. Human to human interaction is the best.

  9. I’ve seen it and thought it was really good! Like you said, it got me thinking as well, would this happen in the future and how attached are we to our phones already. Very intriguing and isn’t Scarlett Johansson voice perfect?

  10. Woah, at first I thought it would be really weird..
    But after I watched the trailer it sounds so interesting!
    I am so gonna watch this movie! (:
    Greetings from Germany, Nicki

  11. I haven’t seen it yet, but I really want to. I definitely feel addicted to my phone, but lately I have been making a point to put it away just when with company. Y’know, out to eat, hanging out with someone, with my boyfriend, etc., I’ll put my phone away and I was amazed at what a difference it makes. I always thought “I have my phone out because sometimes there’s lulls in the conversation and stuff”, but really once I started putting it away when with people, I had much better conversations because we were both engaged!

    x Kenzie

  12. Bueno Andy, ciertamente es una pelicula interesante, pero debo decirte que me pareció que le faltó algo, quizás un poco mas de credibilidad, quizas un poco mas de drama o quizas es algo tan lejano e irreal que no termina por dejarme un buen sabor de boca. Sin embargo es buena la propuesta, y como tu bien lo dices: no vivimos tan lejos de esta realidad.

  13. Hey!! Andy… Well the movie sounds crazy but not that far of our reality… I guess technology makes our life easily but in some way we lose ourselves.
    Now we don’t have to learn how to turn on our smartphone… We have to learn how to turn off and enjoy without it..
    but away… I love your blog.. I just start to follow you.. Keep going.. You have great ideas!!

  14. Thank you for sharing this Andy! I had not even seen a trailer for this movie but am so glad you wrote about it. I am extremely intrigued, especially because of the very talented actors in it! You are right though, we are way too attached to our phones! This may not be so far fetched as we think!


  15. I really liked the movie! I agree, we spend so much time on the Internet (especially as bloggers) that it makes sense that we feel an attachment to them. I think his character felt like he could take a control of the concept of love since we can control technology, but we aren’t as in control as we think. Just started blogging and always try to put my phone away when with friends and unplug from the online community.

  16. I absolutely loved this movie! It was strange, yes, but I really appreciated how realistic (hopefully apart from having relationships with computer programs that eventually become completely independent) the future depicted in the movie is. It’s not a hyperbole of the future; nothing that looks like you’re watching the Jetsons. LA could certainly look like that in the future and it isn’t too far off that people will have enhanced interaction with operating systems. Wonderfully and consciously calculated, this movie definitely deserves a thumbs up.

    from – The Lion’s Den
    SHOP – The Lion’s Den

  17. Haha, i’ve just came out from the cinema, i’ve watched this movie, what a coincidence! I also feel that we are becoming more and more dependent on our phones and that we neglect simple person to person relationships. Instead of making a contact with strangers on the bus for instance, we’re just picking our phones, it’s like an excuse so we don’t have to talk to anyone. It’s almost like we are afraid to make a real contact and we are just hiding behind our phones and cyber-friendships.

  18. Hi Andy.

    No, i haven’t seen that movie yet, but would lovely watch it.

    And well, talking about cellphones… i don’t use it at all, only if i get calls, or something urgent or important messages, it doesn’t matter if it’s on whatssapp or email… instagram i do use it kinda regurarly, because i love taking photos a lot. ^^
    But other stuffs i rather use the computer when i really don’t have nothing much to do.
    And when i’m with friends, i never use my cellphone in front of them, i think that’s disrespectful doing that, and i think people should be with the person they are surrounded than missing it because using the cellphone, that’s my opinion what people should really do, don’t you think ?

    Anyways, love your post… it was really intersting. ^^
    Well, i wish ya have a wonderful Sunday.

  19. Acabo de ver la película ayer y para mí es una de esas películas que te dejan sin saber que pensar. Es un concepto bastante difícil de imaginar pero al mismo tiempo me parece que es una crítica a la forma en la nos estamos apegando a la tecnología, al punto de enamorarnos de ella. Por otro lado, es un debate ético interesante sobre hasta que punto puede ser considerada humana la inteligencia artificial.
    Me resultó muy extraña la película y la estética no fue mi favorita (esperemos que esos pantalones no se hagan tendencia), aunque me gusta el aire de nostalgia combinado con el tema futurista. Te hace sentir que no estamos tan lejos de llegar a eso.
    Una película que te deja mucho de que pensar y de que hablar, pero a pesar de todo me gustó.

    Besos desde México,

  20. Actually I watched it yesterday with a friend of mine who’s an IT engineer and had heard about it and got obsessed with it.

    I agree with you in the sense of how much time we spend using technology or even talking to other person through technology but ignoring ourselves in the real world. It has many things, like for example the kind of job Theodore has, or how people dress, you know? Sometimes it looks likes the OS are more human than humas, which is wird.

    Anyway, I recommend it to everyone who likes the kind of movies that make you think for a little bit afterwards.

    Saludos Andy!