AndyTorresParisMorning AndyTorresParisMorning2

I developed a crush on Paris when I was about 7 or 8. I wasn’t the first and I am sure I wont be the last girl to do so, yet that crush became an obsession. One that got me to become brave enough to pack my bags and leave all my friends and family to move to Europe, to try make it to Paris, or make it in Paris. 8 years later, I feel a bit different. When I went to Paris for the first time, I cried, I am not going to lie. It was a LONG life dream of mine to go there, the prospects of one day living there, working there, I cant express the excitement.
I didn’t move there, but if anybody would have told me 8 years ago that not only I was going to go to Paris very often, but I was also going to work in the Fashion industry and do work trips there for brands like Dior, well, I would have never believed them…

Wake me up in Paris…

andy signature


137 Responses

  1. You’ve captured the “essence” of Paris perfectly, there is something so infectious and magical about Paris that it becomes intravenous. If it could be bottled and produced, I’m sure it would be the going drug of choice – we’d all be Francophiles. Loved reading that you caught the bug as a child, I think my 9 year old daughter has it too, after I took her there last year for the first time. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Aaaah Paris! My first (city) love. :)

    I was so happy to be back there last weekend, although I’m suffering major Paris withdrawal at the moment…

  3. gracias andy por ser tu misma en realidad eres una mujer afortunada de la vida te felicito por todos esos logros y por tener la oportunidad de conocer el mundo de la mano de las mejores casas de moda, eres un ejemplo para todos a quellos que nos gusta la moda y que soñamos todos los dias, gracias por dejarmos ver un pedasito de ese sueño y por ser una gran inspiradora para muchos…… cuidate y besos desde colombia. monica posada

  4. I love the pic of you sticking out of the balcony window with the super super Parisian backdrop, I want one too!! <3 Gorgeous ANDY!! By the way, Ithink you should check out my provoking paris fashion week outfit I wore to the Céline show, it features PRADA SS14 feather earring, CARVEN satin printed finale runway coat, and some seriously provocative Phillip Lim patchwork denim jeans that everyone LOVES! You'd guarantee to luuuurve it too! <3

    xx The Provoker

  5. Wonderful pictures! Well, where you are now, you’ve worked for it, and you really deserve it. You can be really proud of yourself!
    bisous from Paris (don’t know if you’re still in Paris?)

  6. You know, Andy, people love reading you for many reasons, but I feel that it’s because of this. You’re honest. You’re sweet. You’re inspiring. And you make us feel like reaching our dreams is possible.
    Thank you for being you and staying true all these years.

    1. Dear Olivia, Thank you so much for these sweet words. They really mean so much to me <3

  7. Oh I want to visit paris so badly! It’s been a dream of mine to visit it and I think I will very soon! You’re such an insiration xx

  8. I totally understand you. Paris is such an amazing city and I can’t wait to visit it again (hopefully this year).
    Btw, I loved your photoshoot for Dior. It must be such a dream came true for you. xx

  9. andy u r an inspiration to me!! i am not sure if you even get time to read my note…..but still i wanna say….i have come across so many bloggers….but the enthusiasm and the hard work i see in you work..it just inspires me…and this post of yours has just moved me more….and i am not going to stop dreaming!

    thanks for inspiring me every time..


  10. I’d love to comment on your fashion posts and attires, since this occupies my main interest. However I believe that there’s more that I have to say to you. I admire your ambition, determination, sense of style and congeniality. You truly deserve what you’ve accomplished and I’m sure you still have yet more to accomplish.
    Good luck!

  11. Dear Andy,

    I’m following you and you blog since a long time now and I can say that among the many bloggers that I like, you and Carolina are my favorites by far for your authenticity and the fact that reading what you write, as well as looking at the beautiful pictures, fails to tell me more or less always something.

    I had the same infatuation as you for Paris since I was a little child. About 3 years ago I realized my dream to move to Paris, thanks to the Erasmus Program at the Architecture University that I attended in Venice. Paris was magical for me, here I met the love of my life(who attended the same university as me but we had never met before landing in Paris) and 2 years after our baby was born here.
    So I can say that Paris for me is pure magic.

    It’s always nice to read you and see your dreams come true!

    A big hug! Lidia

  12. dear Andy,
    I’m following you and you blog since a long time now and I can say that among the many bloggers that I like, you and Carolina are my favorites by far for your authenticity and the fact that reading what you write, as well as looking at the beautiful pictures, fails to tell me more or less always something.

    I had the same infatuation as you for Paris since I was a little child. About 3 years ago I realized my dream to move to Paris, thanks to the Erasmus Program at the Architecture University that I attended in Venice. Paris was magical for me, here I met the love of my life(who attended the same university as me but we had never met before landing in Paris) and 2 years after our baby was born here.
    So I can say that Paris for me is pure magic.
    It’s always nice to read you and see your dreams come true!
    A big hug! Lidia

  13. Paris is always a good idea :) I also fell in love with the city around that age and was head over heels when we finally visited (when I was 12..) For some reason, I haven’t been back ever since, probably because often I wanna see something new when I have the chance. Anyways, I really should go back actually.

    Great first photo!


  14. I love Paris so much! I think it’s already a cliche, but this city makes you feel different when you visit it. It made me feel so free and so relaxed, and also as if I could do anything in this city. Can’t wait to go there cause it’s spirit is so magical!

  15. even the biggest dreams can be achieved! i think every girl has at one point in her life dreamed of living in Paris, there really aren’t many places that are as dreamy!
