AndyTorresPhilips6 AndyTorresPhilips3 AndyTorresPhilips AndyTorresPhilips5 AndyTorresPhilips2Headphones: Philips Citiscape via Fashiolista  |  Leather pants: Jose Sanchez  |  Shoes: Alexander Wang  |  Jumper: CHABE  |  Dress: Zara  |  Clutch: H&M

“I  dont want to dance with nobody, nobody but you!”

andy signature


133 Responses

  1. You make me feel good about my height (186cm) and remind me to wear heels. To stand tall and proud and beautiful. Thank you,

  2. OMG Andy I LOVE your outfit and the details. I hope that you always stay the nice, lovely and creative person who you already are. I wish you only the best things in live and for your blog!!!

    Vic (long-term reader and fan ;) )