
Its Sunday night and I am at home watching the Olympic Games closing ceremony, briefly looking at instagram updates and flipping through the pages of the Dutch Vogue magazine. I realized I havent really bought a magazine in ages -apart from the stack I got at Copenhagen’s airport 2 weeks ago-, when I used to collect French Vogue and have piles and piles and piles of it at home. At one point, I got so tired of seeing Ads on the first 60(?!) pages, I mean, it was ad after ad after ad. Boring stuff. Then I completely became an “online person”, I am a blogger so it makes sense right?.

I started to consume online content like theres no tomorrow, everything is so quick online. Something happens, boom! its on twitter, instagram, facebook, you name it and so I spent the past 6 years of my life changing my habits. Funny enough, I am sitting here a few years later, flipping through the pages of a magazine and finding it so incredibly relaxing and therapeutic. Yeah, it sounds a bit dramatic but its true. I found myself making some iPhone photos of makeup trends -check my instagram if you don’t believe me-, making notes about styling tricks and so on.
My point is, I found my love for print again, suddenly and randomly. I embrace being part of the online generation and I am happy I managed to sneak my way in, Oh I am!, But something in me wants to go back to my old ways of consuming inspiration. At the end of the day, there is no reason why print should be in war with the online generation and viceversa.

How do you feel about print? It would be interesting to hear your opinion…

andy signature


104 Responses

  1. I love the printered glossy world fashion magazines as i have become addicted to their soft sweet aroma fashion pages and the feel of those gorgeous weightly thick bibles which make me snuggle into during my spare fem time.

  2. Ilove to snuggle into those world glossy fashion magazines soft sweet smelling pages, their gorgeous aroma seems to arouse me and their weight and size feels lucsious in my lap and on my body, I feel like I’m in a world of fem lovelyness.

  3. And looking back at old trends… From your teen years.. that’s awesome. Well, that’s my case. Those physical pages (!) are my ticket to ride. :D nice post

  4. Hi, Andy. I just want to say that i’m like you, i really am an online information consumer, but i love magazines and all the other “prints” materials as well. Both are really awesome, no need to be in “war”.

    Nice text. Kisses!

  5. I used to buy almost every fashion magazine I could. But then I got broke. And now I buy a magazine every few months. I like flipping through pages and all the fashion inspiration and original content (2 columns and one article). But I kinda get mad when I real all these rules and ideas of what woman should be and all the ads connected with it… huh, that makes my eyes roll. And I am angry that I never see an interview with successful inspiring woman that would be on six pages… Like the interviews with men in Playboy.
    I want a fashion magazine pleasing to my eyes and to my brains.

  6. I do find leafing a magazine really relaxing and disconnecting from everyday problems for a little while, but I agree with you about the ads. It’s so annoying to buy Vogue where it’s 90% ads and you actually have to seek between the pages for original content and articles. The question is if 90% of the magazine is sponsored by ads why should we pay for it, why is it not for free, since we pay to look at the ads?! It sounds ridiculous especially now in the age of Google when they give you their products for free in exchange for you being exposed to ads! I guess Vogue positioned themselves as something that is fashionable to buy and to own just like fashion is!

    P.S I really enjoyed your posts lately where you write more your opinion and developing discussions. It feels like the good old Andy again and not that distant fashion icon.

    OceanWind Blog

    1. “The question is if 90% of the magazine is sponsored by ads why should we pay for it, why is it not for free, since we pay to look at the ads?!” -exactly!

      And I agree with your P.S.

  7. definitivamente a veces olvidamos los grandes placeres de leer una revista en físico, como bien lo mencionaste el internet nos ha abierto el acceso a todo lo que sucede en segundos y al parecer muchas veces nos importa mas estar enterados de las noticias, ya sea por trabajo o placer que se nos olvida lo que nos da una incomparable sensación que pacer y satisfacción.
    sin embargo gracias bendito internet que nos permites leer los blogs que mas nos gustan, eso es indiscutible.

    saludos y gracias por hacer el blog tan ameno!

  8. Lovely Andy, I used to a collector of Vogue as well, not anymore, even though I am subscribed to American Vogue, Haper’s Bazaar and others I only keep the ones I loved the most. I will always prefer print over online mag. Baci.

  9. This was awesome! I’ve been having the online vs print debate with a bunch of my friends recently, which makes me so happy. I feel like we’ve become so overly digitized that we’re going to eventually drift back into more romantic ways of enjoying media- magazines, film, prints, etc. I still use film and buy magazines, so I’m crossing my fingers!

  10. It’s like reading an actual book instead of an ereader. There’s something about our need for tactile experiences. Now if only we could pinch zoom to get a closer look on paper

  11. Creo que el papel no morirá, puede coexistir perfectamente con la prensa online por ser dos formas diferentes de consumo. Me encanta pasar hojas y leer en papel, tocar, recortar, el olor,… Y me encanta el online por la rapidez y su portabilidad, porque puedes llevarlo y consultarlo desde tu movil, porque tienes acceso a prensa que no llega donde tu vives. No creo que una excluya a la otra, disfruto de las dos por igual!

  12. I do love the ease and speed of online publications but I’ve always preferred print for SO many reasons:

    1) I’m working towards a career in magazine publication so it’s beyond inspiring to flip through the pages and imagine who put them together
    2) I love building a stack of magazines to mix in with my coffee table books
    3) When my mag piles get to big, I can rip out the pages and make an inspiration board
    4) There really is something therapeutic about sitting down with a magazine rather than surfing the web

    This isn’t to say that I don’t like online publications. They make everything so much quicker to access and quite honestly, some articles are just better presented online rather than in print (ie: Moschino x Jeremy Scott).

    -Felicia B.

  13. After spending all day at work staring at a computer screen, cooking & reading magazines are two of my favourite ways to relax. Its the same with books – no kindles for me!

  14. I totally agree with you! I love and enjoy flipping through magazines once in a while. Although most of it in there are adverts, still it is more fun.

  15. Hi all!!

    I guess both are perfect for different moments of the day.
    I love having in my hands a fashion magazine and after…take a look again and check outfits…
    I think online is inmeadiate and that’s why I usually surf on Internet looking for new styles and different looks…

    Definitely, both are complementary!


  16. I am only just beginning my transition into the online world. I thought it would hate it; after all, I could never give up the feel of a silky page of a magazine. But I don’t believe that print and online journalism should be at war either. If print were to become extinct I don’t know what I would do. People will always prefer one rather than the other, but have them both just for good measure :)

  17. I still buy myself magazines once in a while.. i guess for me it’s amazing having it on display sometimes.. :) but also as a different source of inspiration.. :D especially with the layout and writing that goes with it


  18. I still love print. From books to magazines, I like HOLDING something in my hand, turning pages, snipping out a photo for an inspiration page in my journal. I love the quickness of the internet and the world wide connection too, but print is far from a lost art for me.

  19. I use the internet (pc, iphone etc in general) a lot but when it comes down to it, I’m still a ‘print girl’.
    When studying, I use my books and I write on paper, no pc for me.
    But please don’t ask me to choose because I couldn’t live without the internet anymore!
    xo Lyn

  20. I find print not only represents photographs beautifully in there crisp, pure, natural form. I also just love the activity of going and picking out that one special magazine, that is honestly half the fun for me. It is something about holding that magazine and going to sit in your favourite cafe, even take notes, or sit at home on a night in like you said.

    I have been following your blog for years now and I think not only are your looks great but your personality really shows through I find, much more than others in ways so Thanks for that.


  21. I have an on again off again love with print. My main problem is that the price ads up over time – However, I do love having the tangible inspiration, especially for cutting up!

    xoxo, Kenzie

  22. I LOVE print too, there’s a different feeling when holding a magazine and going through the pages but just like you, the piles of magazine became too much and I transitioned to online browsing as well.. I do miss it though, with magazines I feel like you can keep the pages forever as for online, one click of the wrong button or one silly crash and the data/pictures are gone!


  23. I completely agree with you! It also happens to me with photos, I just love to flip through a photoalbum! Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to look at pictures from everybody through facebook or instagram (like yours!) but I think everyone should keep a photoalbum as well :) I try to keep mine updated (also because I just love handcrafting and a bit of scrapbooking every once in a while… I even have an old typewriter to write the captions under the pictures in the album, love the look of machine typing!) and kind of miss the old times when everyone had one to share with you over a cup of tea. Almost nobody prints their pictures anymore, I think it’s such a shame!
    Anyway, I just love your blog, it’s so inspiring! I’ve been following you for a while but never had the “courage” to comment ^^

  24. I love prints. It saddens me how digital our day in age is. I’d pick a magazine any day over an online website. I am currently working to get all of my photos into prints and hung on the wall or something just get the joy of seeing them as prints.

  25. I only buy real magazines. I don’t like to read magazines online, I think blogs are created for reading something online:) But we are all different)

  26. I love print, you can touch it, you can smell it and for some reason a picture on paper impresses me more than one online. Though I love to read articles online too… :-) I just hope that the paper magazines don’t disappear! There is just something about a magazine fresh off the press.

  27. I’m the same. I love reading print magazines! I get tired of reading everything online, it’s far more relaxing to read it in print. Also, it gives you some time for yourself. Without any technic advices!

  28. I FEEL THE same way. Funny how flipping through a magazine or having a stack of them can feel nostalgic. To be honest, I stopped my subscriptions once I was able to find great sources of style inspiration on blogs (like yours!). If print magazines would become modernized and make their editions available online (most do) then I really don’t need them anymore – except for maybe lazy Sundays at the beach, but then, I’d rather be having a cocktail and swimming anyway.

    Check out my latest post – in leather and stripes.

    Visit my blog: C H A M P A G N E * S U N D A Y * B L O G
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  29. I absolutely love magazines and books in print; honestly, ereaders and stuff like that are just not for me. I like to annotate, fold the corners of a book and just the SMELL of an old library book or, in contrast, a brand new fashionmagazine: it gives the best feeling!
    So yes, as much as I devour blogs like there’s no tomorrow, for me there’s nothing like printed text :)

  30. I love reading actual magazines and I’ve never really gotten into reading them online or on my iPad. I also love the ads! It might sound strange but I study fashion promotion and I get fab inspiration from fashion advertisements!
    Love this post, very interesting topic!
    Amy, X.

  31. I am usually behind on my magazines – but I will never cancel them. WHen I do find the time to sit and flip through a magazine, it is very relaxing and a real source of inspiration. There’s nothing quite like looking at a spread in a magazine. Print pictures are gorgeous! I too find myself instagramming a print picture of something from time to time while reading.


  32. I got to admit, I buy far less magazines than I used to… I still have a few faves and as I travel so much they are the perfect companion…mostly I read the ‘back story’ on a designer or an article that is ‘life’ based, I don’t use it for fashion ‘appreciation’, for that I go online… its ‘instant’ and its real!… for me a magazine cant compare to REAL people showing a piece of clothing in function!.

  33. I love being able to flip through pages, but the ADS! Oh, they’re so much sometimes, it gets difficult to handle! With the internet, I can easily skim through photos without being bombarded with ads.

    Erica’s Edition

  34. I share your opinion – print and online media should go side by side. I like to be able to read the articles without having to carry heavy magazine on top of all the other things I already have in my bag. On the other hand, print gives you that special feeling – the smell, touch and visual – you can’t replace that. Ads are annoying, but at the end of the day this is how magazines survive. There are some interesting concepts that came out recently and I think there is definitely a way to do things differently. Let’s hope print never dies.

  35. i love both, with online you can find what you want again several months later, and print has a real thought process to it. i do however get annoyed having repetitive magazines lying around that are useless a month later. but the print shows a platform that we are no longer used to, which makes it even more exciting
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography –
    Support my Photography Project here !

  36. I buy different magazines from time to time, but I’ve been reading more online articles about fashion lately. I think in some years the print magazines will disappear, but let’s hope they don’t


  37. Thank you so much for engaging on this guys. Its really interesting for me to hear all of your opinions <3


  38. I love print – there’s nothing better than reading physical magazines and books. I’m not a fan of the whole Kindle / reading magazines online thing, I’d rather have the physical copy. That being said, I am a huge fan of reading blogs online, and how accessible they are, and how easy it is to have your own voice online – sometimes it’s good to get loads of different viewpoints on something! But I agree, there is no reason why the two can’t co-exist. I like reading fashion magazines as much as I like reading fashion blogs, you get such a variety of content between the two. x

  39. May sound stupid, but for me the prints are accompanied by some ‘me time’ – I tend to make a cup of tea and just relax with a magazine for an hour or so. Hence I like prints a lot, but then again .. couldn’t do without the pace and dynamic of online activities!


  40. Well I’m on the way you have been through, I’m hating magazines can not stand to see more photos of things that are now already past collections, love the blogs that are so current, which is worth every blogger is like you that updates every blog the day, many are already getting to me as magazines, super late and almost never post, do not even know who still want to blog, that would be good only stay interested. I have canceled all my magazine subscriptions, so you are nothing interesting. Blogging for me today are everything, including all that consumption, and is not little, buy through good blogs like yours. Thanks for posting steadily. Kisses.

  41. I love print! I always have; I love the smell of paper and the feeling of it. Going back and forth, ripping out pretty pages or parts I love and want to keep looking at.
    And yes, very therapeutic as well! On the couch with a cup of hot somethin’ and start reading and turning pages.

  42. I love print, I love to read books and just the smell of them and touch of the pages make me feel so happy. It’s easy to get lost in the new era of online type. I get nearly all my info online. It’s great to relax though with paper. Steph x

  43. I personally have a huge pile of Elle Girl magazines which I was collecting since like 2009. It’s really relaxing to re-read them all and especially see how trends come and go and come again. Even though online reading is fast and more comfortable, nothing can replace these perfect glossy pages of fashion magazines. I’m hopelessly devoted to printed editions!

  44. Well, we talk about that a lot in the journalism college. In my opinion, one thing will never take the place of another. I was travelling this weekend and I wanted so much take a vogue magazine to read in my fly, because we can’t use the internet, plus the ad I think could be useful ideas. I like both of them, of course the online is almost taking everything, but sometimes is good to take a rest from it. :) xx

  45. I agree that pint and online shouldn’t be in a war. It’s not only about media but also about books. I think that a printed copy will always have it’s charm.

  46. I`m also a lot online and when it comes to fashion I look most things up on the internet, because as you just said it is so fast online! And the trends that blogger are wearing only came up after months in the magazines (although it`s getting faster time by time).

    But I have always loved print, or better said here magazines and never forgot my love about it. Every month I get the German Instyle (and I also loooove their beauty section) and when I am in Brazil I get me the Brazilian Vogue.
    And since years I read magazines before going to bed. I also thing it`s very therapeutic and I prefer it than looking up websites or social media on my smartphone or tablet, which I already do enough during the day.

    I am still kind of “old-school” when it comes to prints.

    Anyway I read more fashion blogs, than I read fashion magazines, so I thing it`s kind of overtaking it ;)

    Nice post! :)

    kisses, Gio

  47. Always printed versions (books, newspapers…) have something especial! Feeling them at your hands can’t be achieved by digital ones.

    Kisses from

    Today I bring you my last Shoes New IN…an amazing pair of Punk style Stilettos in leopard printed fur!!

  48. Antes solía comprar muchísimas revistas pero cuando dejé de hacerlo tampoco me puse a leer revistas online. Sólo leo blogs de todo el mundo y en todos los idiomas, no me importa, le hago el pobre google translate.
    Si me molestaba mucho todas las docientas mil publicidades antes de las notas pero siempre encontré a la revista en papel mucho más encantadora que a la online. Es más real, se puede tocar, oler el papel, la sensación es mil veces más perfecta. Es como un libro vs a una película..
    Muy lindo post!
    Que tengas un buen comienzo de semana :)

  49. I am glad someone talked about it related to the fashion scene. I am about to write my bachelor and I wanted to write it about this topic online vs print, but you know it’s not that easy to define :/ It is a huge topic and no I guess print won’t ever die. The human being needs something non digital at the end of the day. So I believe that it is good to use half digital media and half online media :)


  50. Nothing beats a good old printed magazine – I love going to a shop, flicking through the collection of the magazines they have and choosing the one with the least creases. It’s a bit like my obsession with books, I have a kindle but I love having a physical book still :( Call it OCD, but nothing beats a brand new magazine to read (:
    – Jem
    |Une Belle Masquerade|

  51. I love flipping through magazines but often find myself getting info online only because it’s free. Sometimes I just don’t want to spend the money on a magazine.

  52. I always read my magazines in print! I like prins versions so much better than the online editions, they just have that something extra. You can go trough the pages, tear things out, etc. I just like that better :)

  53. I understand, I also collected VOGUE and ELLE magazines, but I really wanted something to read and like you said it was adv after adv.. X