AndyTorresStyligionStripes4 AndyTorresStyligionStripes2 AndyTorresStyligionStripes3 AndyTorresStyligionStripes6 AndyTorresStyligionStripes5Jacket: H&M Trend  |  Skirt: Three Floor  |  Shirt: American Apparel   |  Boots: Coach  |  Sunglasses: Saint Laurent  |  Silver shark tooth necklace and earring: Fashionology.nl

I -almost- never ever, eeeever wear this shade of green. When I first saw this jacket, I loved the shape and I thought it was the perfect length for me. Being a very tall girl makes it hard to find longish looking jackets so whenever I find one, I am golden. Bottom line, everything about this jacket was great BUT the color… I really struggled getting to terms with making myself wear that shade of green, because it reminds me of brown and yes that is a color I would NEVER wear.
I was grownup about this and decided to still go for it. I don’t regret it but I have to say, I still feel a bit uneasy about this shade of green.

andy signature


150 Responses

  1. I found this look really really great.
    One of my favorites of yours.
    Don’t feel uneasy about it :)

  2. I LOVE this look, esp how you paired the striped tee and skirt! I know what you mean about that “puke green” color looking like brown.. but in this case it actually looks pretty rad with stripes and it suits you, I love the style of the jacket too! :)




  3. I feel the same way about some of the clothes that I wear but I always remind myself that as long as I keep trying eventually it won’t feel so uncomfortable. Though I have to agree about brown as it is definitely not my favorite color.


  4. Wow, LOVE everyting about this outfit. From the unusual color of the jacket, the combination of the two different striped items to the super sexy boots. Very well combined!


  5. Hello Andy! I really like those pictures! you look gorgeous <3 and the quality is so nice.

    I have always problems when I want to take pictures when the sun is shining (like on these ones). Can you tell me which lens do you use, camera ? and also how do you set your camera in such situations?

    Thanks for helping =)

  6. Oh you just made my day with your opinion about brown! I definitley wouldn’t wear brown at all. no one understands me but that’s it

  7. I love how you took this casual dress and gave it such a high fashion twist! The over the knee boots and shearling coat really take it to the next level. Gorgeous shots as always.


  8. I think this color suits you very well. I got the exact same color Alexander Wang dress and I love how it suits me. At first I was a little sceptical to but now I love this color. Matches perfectly with my black, white and navy winter wardrobe. xo Hanneke

    Check out my style on http://www.hannekeverstegen.com

  9. I understand what you said, this is a strange color as it’s not brown but not green either, but that jacket is soooo amazing and you did the right thing by wearing black & white underneath it because it makes that weird green/brown/whatever pop. :) You’re so talented, Andy !