AndyTorresMissoni AndyTorresMissoni7 AndyTorresMissoni5 AndyTorresMissoni6 AndyTorresMissoni2 AndyTorresMissoni3I’M WEARING >>  Coat:  Missoni  |  Boots: WeberHodelFeder buy here  |  Jeans: J Brand  |  Backpack: Marc by Marc Jacobs

I have been listening to Tchaikovsky for hours. He is my favorite composer, party because I used to be a ballerina when I was little and my final festival was The Nutcracker -I was a little soldier -, but also because Tchaikovsky always manages to calm me down.
It has been a tough past few days, a lot of things to do, a lot happening and a lot to get ready before flying to London Fashion Week. No, I clearly didn’t go to New York as a lot of people have noticed -and asked about-. I just didn’t have time this season, I had a few work commitments at the same time which I am so grateful about and New York isn’t going anywhere, it will still be there in September.

andy signature


150 Responses

  1. I adore your coat so, so much! and i adore the nutcracker. My friend is a ballerina, and she dance in the ophera right now, and they used to let me sneak into their rehearsals which was pretty awesome! i wanted to be a ballerina too but i was too tall unfortunate :(

  2. Hey! Coach sacó un abrigo casi igual para FW2014 o al menos eso ví.
    Y el que traes está super padre la vdd!
    Muero por unos zapatos como los tuyos..
    Saluditos! :)

  3. I am so happy to see that you bought this coat! It’s really perfect and such a refreshing piece in a wardrobe! Stunning xx

  4. Love the vibrant colors of your coat. And I paid attention that a lot of bloggers don’t attend NYWF this season, I think if you don’t have some meeting and projects in NY it kind of pointless to go there just for shows. I mean if you live there or it’s your job then fine, but to do all way to NY seems like a lot of headache!

    OceanWind Blog

  5. This coat is fantastic!
    And you are right, sometimes it is better to step back and give up on some things than ending up overwhelmed and not being able to be fully commited to your projects.
    The kind of stuff you learn as you grow up I guess, still very much in process as far as I’m concerned!

  6. I really like the coat ! It add some highlight to your all black everything outfit !
    And the shoes ! I like the shoes :)
    Also no matter you haven’t been to NYFW, I’m glad you still take time to write quality post and share a part of your life with us even went you obviously get a lots to do !