
Sweater: ASOS   Men  |  Pineapple ring: Lee Renee via Boticca  |  Snake Ring: Momocreatura  |   Veil beanie: DIY

It rains and it rains and I am trying to shelter, maybe hide behind this veil for a little longer…

andy signature


96 Responses

  1. I like the beanie so much! In my new blog: http://WWW.CATWALKINTHELCOUD.COM, where I follow how bloggers around the globe wear the last trend, I have added some of your photos (in the last post, for exemple). I Love your style. I hope you don’t mind and that you like the blog. I invite all of you to visit the blog. Kisses from Barcelona!

  2. Hi Andy,
    I’m sorry to hear that it rains so much. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it gets better soon. However, it is not any better in my city. Gray and cold. That’s why I’m waiting for nicer days too.
    I find the beanie looks good on you, very creative and cute. But where are you wearing that?
    Is this something for the everyday look? I think it would bother me to have it in front of my eyes all day long.

    xoxo Juliane

  3. Oh I know! European weather is being weird these days… It just rains everytime and yesterday it got SO cold so today I put on thermal underwear and all, then – bang! – all of a sudden it’s warm again. I don’t even know what to wear anymore, ugh. Let’s hope it’ll be over soon! ;)

    xo Sabrina

    Come over and check out the brand new and relaunched WHAT PIXIES WEAR

  4. Es asi acaba en SCZ Bolivia todavía sigue lloviendo y ya son las 10:00 y no me levanto LOL