AndyTorresRed9 AndyTorresRed8 AndyTorresRed4 AndyTorresRed3 AndyTorresRed12 AndyTorresRed11 AndyTorresRed10Photos by Luis Eduardo Torres

 Radio Silence every recorded on StyleScrapbook…Sort Of.
I have been back in Europe for 2 and a half days, struggling with BAD jet-lag and I am already missing Mexico and my family like crazy.
I dont remember not posting for 2 days straight in a very long time but I had some catch up to do, plus I have been sleeping most of Yesterday and up most of Friday night. You know, those moments in which your body wants to sleep but your mind doesn’t and all you do is stare at the ceiling in the dark (?)

I have to get rid of this Jet-lag as soon as possible, specially because we are back at the office today and I will probably be in limbo for the whole day…Take me to my bed!!!

andy signature


135 Responses

  1. Hi Andy,
    welcome back!
    I keep my fingers crossed that you get rid of the jet-lag very fast.
    Take care of yourself!
    xoxo Juliane

  2. I love the whole outfit but especially the bag! if you don’t mind me asking, where is it from?

    Have a lovely time in Europe xxx

  3. So glad you are back (even though you haven’t been “lost” for such a long time). I really like that outfit. Can’t believe someone can look that good in whole green clothing! It’s really beautiful :)

    Hope you’ll overcome your jet-lag very soon. xx

  4. I believe this type of green is called emerald, right? Suits brunettes a lot! Try pairing it with some dark blue too! This outfit is gorgeous nevertheless!

  5. What a nice look, lovely sweater!

    And good luck with you jetlag, there really a pain in the ass the first days. And I know that feeling very well.. hope you’ll be in your own rythem very soon!