STSC5472 STSC5587 STSC5574 STSC5400 STSC5341 STSC5463

Jacket: ZARA  |  Leather pants: J Brand  |  T-shirt: Isabel Marant for H&M  |  Cropped top: ZARA  |  Bag: Givenchy  |  Watch: Larsson & Jennings

Might not be the most noticeable of changes but I actually chopped a few centimeters off my locks on Saturday. I have going through some hair changes lately, as some of you might have noticed me for having eternal side bangs -for almost 5 years-. I finally decided to let them grow last Spring and I have been going through the awkward stage of growing them (if you have/had bangs, you will completely understand what I mean). You get to a point where your bangs are too short for this, but then too long for that etc and that stage lasts for almost 4 to 5 months. I am FINALLY getting to the point where my bangs and my hair length are meeting in the middle and maybe they will end up together by the Spring.

andy signature


161 Responses

  1. Love the jacket! I have a shirt from the Zara which looks like it. And your nails are really great and creative!

    xoxo Mireille

  2. I totally understand what you mean with the bangs but yours look good now it gives a layered effect!
    love the jacket here :)

  3. I lve how casual this outfit is and yet so chic and stylish! That jacket is amazing, just like you xx

  4. Hi, Andy!

    Where do you get inspiration to put your outfit together? Do you rely mainly on your mood on that day or does the weather influences more?

