Antwerp1 Antwerp2 WeberHodelFeder shoes

WeberHodelFeder Goodness ♥


Rebecca and I at the Belmodo party

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Girl time with Rebecca & Tiany


With one of my favorite Belgians Saskia ♥Antwerp8 Antwerp9 Antwerp10 Antwerp11

Oh LA LA! Funnest 24h spent in Antwerp ever, seriously!…I was invited to the 5 years anniversary of Belmodo by my friend Tiany, took the morning train to Antwerp, spent an amazing night and took the train right back the next afternoon -possibly a little hangover but with some amazing memories thats for sure-.

Thank you Belmodo for an amazing party!

andy signature


92 Responses

  1. What an enormous suitcase for such a short trip haha
    Love the suitcase though :)
    And I love Antwerp to. Such a great city.
    Nice to see that you had a great time!