AndyTorresUmbrella2 AndyTorresUmbrella6 AndyTorresUmbrella7 AndyTorresUmbrella3 Jumper: & Other Stories  |  Pants: River Island  |  Shirt: ZARA  |  Bag: Nanette Lepore  |  Boots: ZARA  |  Umbrella: ZARA

Neoprene and tartan, not the most usual of combinations I must say but I am not necessarily going for conventional to be honest. Its been raining non stop and I though, what better way to get caught up on the rain than wearing neoprene? In fact, maybe I will start wearing my wet suit, yes, this one, at least I wont get wet anymore :P

andy signature


137 Responses

  1. It may be an unusual combination but I love it! I’ve been toying with the idea of buying neoprene skirt for ages now and think you’ve convinced me x

  2. I am loving the neoprene trend at the moment but I feel so strangly structured in it :( you look fab in this though. also, am I the only one who finds it strange that your shirt & pants match exactly but are from 2 totally different stores?!

  3. I love the fact you showing outfits not only with sunshine and cute dresses but when it is raining and items like an umbrella. Thanks for showing real life with a touch of style. Great outfit by the way.

  4. I love the plaid trend of this season! The way you paired the 2 piece plaid with the neoprene jumper looks great!


  5. I love these rainy pictures of yours, they’re beautiful!
    I tried to shoot a few myself over the past rainy days, but they didn’t turned out that good…
