AndyTorresLondon2 AndyTorresLondon6 AndyTorresLondon1 AndyTorresLondon4 AndyTorresLondon3Trench coat: H&M Trend  |  Sweatshirt: Rodarte  |  Skirt: & Other Stories  |  Boots: Balenciaga  |  Sunglasses: Saint Laurent  |  Bag: Proenza Schouler  |  Green blouse: & Other Stories

I have left my heart in a few places, I have fallen in love with so many cities and promised them eternal love. Paris, New York City, London, for now. How do you decide which one is the best one? They all have pros and cons, they are all beautiful, energetic and enigmatic, they all have a million things to offer, yet this place…

andy signature


124 Responses

  1. Looked up your London looks just because I just came back from that beautiful city and I fell in love with this outfit!! SUPERB.

    Saluti da Bologna

  2. This always happens to me when I visit a new country. I wish I had the time and money to travel all over the world and visit the cities I loved more than once. That would be amazing.
    Your photos are fantastic as always! I missed London!

  3. such great pictures. when i look at your outfit, autumn isn´t so bad as i thought first ;)
    perhaps you like the german label ludovika van inkpen? than you should have a look at my blog. there is an interview combined with a give away ;)
    groetjes vreeni
    freak in you

  4. I have never been in NYC but i feel like i kow it from the 34958 movies and the 03895 series I have seen, but I have had the opportunity to go to Paris and London and while i was in paris i felt like a was in a french movie everything was perfect and to hear everything and the language of romance was magnificent. In london something similar but different happeed it was so modern and classic at the same time and idk i felt in some way like i belong there. Still havent figured out which one is my fav city, perhaps i need to travel more.

    Greetings form Monterrey

    Carolina Márquez

  5. London! It’s so energetic, so alive! There is always something new,something to do. I love London =)

    p.s. i’m fallen in love with your coat =)