office office4 office3 office2

Photos via Pinterest

If you follow me on instagram, you might have noticed that I have been office hunting in the past few weeks. Something I should have done a very long time ago, but never got around to do it for X or Y reason. Last week I FINALLY found a space that I love!.

There are a lot of things changing in my life lately and I feel like this is a part of that evolution, as I am working on new ventures and projects outside of the blog as well. Getting an office seems the right next step to be able to achieve some sort of organization and stability on what is about to come. I feel like all these changes came at such a perfect time in my life and I cant wait to share them with you, who have been following my path for so many years -almost 6 this November!-.

andy signature


132 Responses

  1. This space (saw it on your Instagram) is SO beautiful! I hope you’ll spend great inspirational and productive hours in your new office. I’m pretty sure it will look great! xx

  2. Woah. The light fixture in that first picture is so cool! Congratulations on the new office, and I can’t wait to see all that you accomplish in the next six years!


  3. wow 6 yrs!! congratulations….i can feel the happiness you must be going through while your life is going up another level…phewww….wow!!!….inspiring while closely getting to see the tit-bits of your stepping stones leading to success….

    best wishes!

  4. love the simple, clean lines of all these inspirations! I’m so jealous that you’ll be doing something like this soon! I constantly dream of re-doing and designing my home

    XO Sahra
    Don’t Forget to enter my Giveaway to win a custom necklace HERE!

  5. How exciting! Can’t wait to know more!! And it’s all much deserved of course. I’ve been following your blog for so long now. Congratulations! x

  6. Oh wow the lighting in that first image is incredible ! Clearly you’re loving a monochrome theme right now for your new office, love it :) Wishing you all the best in your new ventures, can’t wait to see how they unfold :) x

  7. I love the new space it is vet chic! The light fixtures are beautiful. I wish you much success. Enjoy.

  8. Those are some gorgeous inspiration pics for an office! Wow… I should show my husband these and tell him that’s what I want in our house. LOL! You are doing well for yourself and good luck with all the positive changes coming your way because you definitely deserve them! :) Have a good night Andy! xx Pip

  9. Hey Andy! I just wanted to say that you are, honestly, the most original, daring, not-giving-a-fuck-about-what-others-think and fashionable person I have ever seen. I love how you combine statement pieces with basic ones, and how you are not afraid to stand out of the -not always so friendly- crowd. You are a true inspiration for me (altough I am a men blogger), and you will be seeing me on your blog again for sure!
    Kisses from Belgium!

  10. Que maravilla Andy! Muchisiimas felicidades y seguiremos tus proximos proyectos que seguro seran tan buenos Como lo que has hecho hasta hoy,


  11. I have been following you almost from the start
    And I allays believed that you are gonna a big star in the fashion world one day:-)

  12. I have been following your blog since the beginning. It’s been so much fun watching you evolve over time and I’m excited for you and your exciting new plans! Good luck :)

    xx Jasmine

  13. Beautiful office! I like those big windows and the ceiling detail.
    Good luck with your new plans and work ventures :)