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Ghd hair straighteners 

I am not normally the one who relies on hot tools, although I do own a fair amount of them ‘just in case’. On a trip to Berlin a month ago, I stupidly left my hair iron at the hotel room, which I have been using for years and I loved… When I got home and I realized it wasn’t in my suitcase, I might have wept a little and then it hit me, I didn’t even know which brand it was, so even if I wanted to get it again, I wasn’t going to be able to.

I asked around and heard that Ghd was a very good hair straightening brand, so I decided to go for it…I have to confess that if somebody is a sucker for nice packaging, that is most definitely me, so I undoubtedly went for one of their limited edition “gems”. So far so good, but I must say, my old straightener was so much better, if only I could remember the brand :(

andy signature


58 Responses

  1. Maybe you have some random picture of it
    you always take pictures
    I you do
    upload the picture to a post and we could help identify it:-)

  2. Berlin!

    En dos semanas estaré visitando esa ciudad, alguna recomendación de donde comer, comprar o algo interesante que ver que no sea lo común?

    Estaré esperando tus comentarios acerca de esta plancha para el pelo, tal vez pueda darle una oportunidad para controlar mi pelo rebelde. ;-)

  3. Deberias probar la marca Professional, es a buen precio y su utilidad es increible!!!

  4. Noooooo!! GHD is definitely not the best anymore (I have super frizzy curly hair and NEED straightening), they used to be, but they sold and changed production – the original creators of the originally awesome GHD now have a new brand that is actually the best – “Cloud Nine” – – basically the new old awesome GHDs :D

  5. las gamma con cubierta de turmalina son muy buenas,tengo con la mia 6 años y funciona perfectamente, creo que las remmington también son buenas! :)

  6. Chi is a well-known brand for hair straighteners or curling irons :) Not very cheap, but I heard they’re the best !

  7. Las Ghd son muy buenas pero son mejores las negras que las ediciones limitadas que pierden muchísimas calidad y por lo bonitas y la presentanción todo el mundo “pica” comprándoselas

  8. Que tal si llamas al hotel y les dices el número de habitación en el que te lo dejaste y el día de tu checkout? Siempre funciona!

  9. Oh no! Don’t you have a Picture of your old straither or have called the Hotel you lost your old straighter? :/

    Check out my lates Blogpost about the CLA 200 :-)