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Total look by H&M Trend

I am super excited to share with you the images from the ELLE Mexico Diseña auditions in Mexico City. For those of you who have been following, you might have noticed that we did few stop overs around the country in search for the next big Mexican Designer. We auditioned hundreds of contestants and this was our very last stop.

This day was also incredibly special because I got a very special present from one of the super talented contestants.  If you go back to photo 7 and 9, thats when Yesher so kindly gave me a cape he designed. It seriously looks like an origami piece and the way he constructed it was so detailed and complicated, yet beautiful in every way. I was so shocked and happy when he said he wanted me to have it, I couldn’t help but to make a small victory dance, but you will see that on the episode ;)

andy signature


105 Responses

  1. Eres hermosa Andy! Me encantas! Tu estilo es genial :) Ojala pudieras contestar mis correos

  2. Yo he visto los primeros 4 capitulos y una de mis partes favoritas es cuando alguien le dice a alguien que fue rechazado “no es tu culpa, es culpa de la vieja de rojo” y la que haces o_o

  3. Se te ve increible, fue muy padre el momento en que te la regalo, y tu blusa es preciosa.

    Saludos desde Mexico!

  4. Aww that was so kind of him :) And you look absolutely stunning! Thank you for the behind the scenes look!

  5. Andy ayer vi el programa de elle, soy de Argentina me encanta tu loock, me encantaría que alguna vez vengas a Argentina¡¡