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Jacket: H&M Trend  |  Shoes: Nike Air Max 1  |  Jumper: ACNE  |  Bag: Proenza Schouler  |  Necklace: Jennifer Loiselle via Boticca
Yesterday, I was invited to the preview of the 2014 Nike collection, mainly focused of the Air Jordan sneakers along with a very tiny group of people in Amsterdam. We weren’t aloud to shoot any of the shoes as they are still super confidential, but man, It did make me miss those days when I used to be a basket ball player. Oh yeah, I don’t think I ever mentioned that! Apart from being in track and field for 7 years, I also used to play basketball aaaand Michael Jordan was my everything back in the day, seriously.

169 Responses

  1. Andy, que lindo par de tenis! y tu collar le da el toque chic, no me había fijado que de cerca si esta grueso, estará pesado?. Saludos.

  2. Love the dark outfit with the pop of color with the sneakers! Usually you see it in heels, I love how you changed it up!xx

  3. i really like when you combine sport and formal elements! great lookFRIDAY LOOK: STYLISH BLACK

  4. I bought some air max's a few months back and they are seriously soo comfortable. But your color is pretty bad ass!! btw I could totally see you playing basketball- your tall!

  5. I'm not surprise you touched that part on Jordan being your everything. I think he was a lot of basketball players everything! LOL!I really like your cool looking sneakers.

  6. Suerte que se llevan las deportivas porque me encantan!! Las tuyas me gustan mucho sobre todo el color ♥Decirte también que tienes mucho estilo y que sin duda te sigo.Me gustaría mucho que pasaras por mi

  7. Love the sporty look. The necklace and tie-front sweatshirt are super cute with the tennies!xoxo

  8. you always look so cute !!!love the combination with the running shoes …kissesLou

  9. I love that you're able to style your Nike kicks in such a stunning way. And these tidbits about you are so interesting! Like the whole basketball player past. Stay awesome, Andy!Megann, Style Surgery

  10. Beautiful pictures!!! I've never been to Amsterdam (yet).. but it's definitely on my list!<3 daniwww.shopdisowned.com

  11. Great casual look. I'm not surprised you were a basketball player – you definitely have the height!Have a fab Thursday Hun xoxo

  12. We love this outfit !Casual classy !MagnifiqueXXXxx

  13. This is a fancy necklace you wore yesterday! :)Think I need to get my hands on the Air Max as well… they are cool!


  15. I love that you actually wear practical outfits that are believable; it's so obvious that some bloggers just dress up for shoots and that's it, but you practice what you preach!

  16. you look awesome with this casual, sporty and damn chic outfit ! adore your shoes – very nice colour ! :)xx