
Oh la la, its happening!!! Ok, I know that I spent few weeks filming this last February/March, but its only now that it has actually hit me. 
“ELLE Mexico Diseña”, The TV show that I was filming with Sara Galindo and Rolando Santana for E! Entertainment Television Latin America finally airs next month and I am seriously over the moon excited about this. 

86 Responses

  1. I'm so, so happy for you dearie! Unfortunately I couldn't understand Spanish but I'm still so happy to see you on video! =DCongrats on your achievement =)

  2. That's great Andy!!!! Enhorabuena!!!! You have to be thrilled!!! I'm gonna be a follower of this program!!! You are getting amazing projects! Have you ever been to Brazil? Today in my blog a piece of brazilian paradise in my NEW POST: ILHABELA TROPICAL PARADISELucia,

  3. Wish I could see it, sounds so exciting (even though I don;t understand a word they are saying in the video, haha)!

  4. Superrrrr!! Totalmente merecido! Viendo tu evolución, solo puedo decirte FELICITACIONES POR CADA UNO DE TUS LOGROS!! Y muchos éxitos para los que vienen en tu carrera! Un fuerte abrazo desde Colombia!!

  5. You're absolutely amazing, my dear! Can't wait to see more clips from what you filmed. What a charmed life you lead. And you have worked so hard for it! So inspiring.xoOlivia

  6. Que absurdo que el vídeo este en español y escribas tu comentario en ingles sin ni siquiera ofrecer traducción para las personas de latinoamérica, las que van a ver el programa…

  7. Omg!!!! That`s so cool!!! You look so beautiful in this video!!Congrats, Andy!! You deserve it! ;)and through my Portuguese, I could understand a bit :Dkisses

  8. ¿WOW Andy! Felicidades, te lo mereces. Me encanta tu blog desde siempre y me siento feliz de ver todo lo que has conseguido.Como Peruana, me enorgullece ver como una blogger Latino Americana ha conseguido tanto reconocimiento internacional con puro esfuerzo propio. ¡Olé!Besos preciosa, espero verte pronto por