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Jacket: JW Anderson for Topshop  |  Dress: ZARA
Here are few photos from one of the sets while filming ELLE Mexico Diseña. I had to sneak out in between quick breaks and shoot the quickest look of the day in the history of StyleScrapbook. 

168 Responses

  1. Super tough when you receive a grant of 6 items for a period of three months and be like paying for everything else at full price. In an attempt to gather all the major parts and then try to create a fashion through inspiration and stratification is the same material in different ways

  2. Oh my god, Andy, this outfit is so beautiful! I love the jacket in combination to the dress! You look so beautiful. xx

  3. You look incredible beautiful :) love this look. Really like this amazing dress in combination with that jacket!!!

  4. Those pictures you've posted on instagram since the beginning of filming are amazing, those makeup suits you SO well… you're beautiful, have a nice week.

  5. Totes adoring the boyish addition of that JW for topshop baseball jacket. Love a sweet varsity jacket <3 You should check my first post from Paris Fashion Week with me covering the Charlotte Olympia FAIRYTALE presentation, be prepared to be wow-ed with enchanted accessories including clock boots, grimm book clutches, and Rapunzel stilettos. Hope they fully provoke the heck out of you! <3xx The Provokerhttp://www.the-provoker.com/2013/03/once-upon-time.html

  6. I want a Varsity jacket so bad!!! I loved the look! Andy, you're such an inspiration!I'm a newborn mexican fashionblogger!All girls that are fashion lovers like me, please visit my blog and leave your comments!! it would mean the world to me! And I would check out your blogs as well!THANK YOU!http://thepasticcio.com

  7. Love the combination of the dress with the jacket, beautiful! xxwww.creativityandchocolate.blogspot.com

  8. OMG you look beautiful in this outfit. I love the dress so much. You got a great body !! Beautiful.Bisous.Valentinehttps://www.facebook.com/MyLifeWithValentinehttps://www.facebook.com/MyLifeWithValentineXOXO

  9. Andy, pero que guapa estas??Me encantas te sigo desde el principio y nunca dejas de sorprenderme!!!!besos y cuidate mucho xxfashionliveswithme

  10. Me encanta como llevas las bombers, te quedan genial y me gusta mucho como rompe la estética del vestido más arreglado!esos pendientes te sientan de maravilla!Sandrahttp://lestylonoir.wordpress.com

  11. I would never have paired the jacket with the dress but they work well together! Love it.Have a fab Tuesday Hun xoxohttp://www.intotheblonde.com/

  12. perfect match honey i love the way you mixed varsity bomber with romantic dress :) !! ♥kisseshttp://franchemeetsfashion.blogspot.cz/

  13. Woaw you looks so beautiful!!! I love your hairstyle and your jacket is amazing!! I can't wait to see your work with Elle :)Kisseshttp://wearit-withpassion.blogspot.com.es/