Jacket: Maje  |  Shark jumper: Givenchy  |  Boots: Mukluk  |  Bag: Givenchy  |  Jeans: J Brand
If there were only a few outfits that completely represented my style, I think this one would be definitely one of them. I probably would have gone for high heels instead but with all the snow around, I didn’t want to risk falling and hurting my coccyx just before New York Fashion Week, so comfy winter boots did the trick just fine.
Si solo hubiera pocos looks que definieran mi estilo completamente, sin duda alguna este seria uno de ellos. Lo mas seguro es que hubiera escogido tacones, pero con la cantidad de nieve que ha caído últimamente, no quise arriesgarme a ponermelos y acabar resbalandome en alguna banqueta días antes de mi viaje a Nueva York, así que botas de invierno fueron la única solución. 

144 Responses

  1. Hey! I simply desire to impart an colossal thumbs up on behalf of the nice information you’ve gotten decent at this point resting on this send. I can be present impending again to your blog for further soon.

  2. Me fascina tu outfit completo! Me encanta que una latina sea asi de successful como tu en la insdustria de la moda. Definitivamente eres una inspiracion para todas las que intentamos destacar en este mundo tan fabuloso. Again, your outfit is pure perfection from head to toe, A+ :)

  3. How do you style your bangs so beautifully? I recently cut mine after a few years without bangs and now my hair is impossible to style, i don't know how i did it before, cause now it doesn't matter what i do, it just refuses to look good… I would love to hear some styling tips from you, you keep it simple, but your hair always looks so so good! Thanks a million! xx

  4. Your bangs are beautiful. I love the blue of your coat. Stunning Andy!I just started my blog and would really appreciate you checking it out :)www.classyyellow.comHoorah for tall girls!Much Love!Kenzie S.

  5. I stumbled across your site sort of by accident but I love that you post outfits that people would actually wear in cold winter weather. I just moved to Chicago from NC and want to be stylish AND warm. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Me encanta Andy, como siempre, sales divina. Una cosa si…. pero qué frio! Felizmente en Barcelona tenemos un clima tropical. Saludos guapa. Pásate por mi blog ❤ ❤

  7. And I think you look great! The electric blue gives the outfit a twist so it doesn't look as dark as the weather :)Big hug* Sara – There's a new blog post today!

  8. Gaaah I'm so in love with your jewelery. I'm not wearing them in this weather because I'm scared that it will make my arms freeze to death because it attracts so much cold.Love,Breathe Me

  9. I really LOVE this look! The combination of the shirt and the coat is the best, seriously! You look stunning and I like your hair, so pretty :) xx