Jeans: Citizens of Humanity  |  Sneakers: Sandro  |  Coat: ZARA  |  Beanie: American Apparel  |  Bag: ZARA

176 Responses

  1. Enormously educational many thanks, I do believe your visitors will probably want further blog posts such as this maintain the excellent effort.

  2. Hi there!! I just met with your blog. I'm actually a very new blogger, still trying to learn, and finding out how everything can be better and better, you're right, it's an adventure! I love to see pics of stylish girls that actually picture themselves dressed to KEEP WARM, not like in those fashion editorials where they show winter collections with strapless dresses and sandals or so…Thanks for being here, I learn a lot from you, wish you more success and great work.You look great.www.justwanttobewonderful.wordpress.comJana H.

  3. Whenever you want to get rid of that purse, please send it to me! I LOVE LOVE it and I would love to have it in my closet :)You can message me at

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  5. Inspiring post as usual, Im glad you posted this actually as i have the same beanie in green but was also thinking about purchasing another definatly made up my mind..thanks x

  6. Hey what's your jumper ??? Love this beanie color, I got a white one last week love the thickness of it so warm…Nice shoes, It matches the snow :)

  7. WOW Andy, cada vez que entro al blog para comentar algún post me encuentro con que ya se han adelantado como 100 lectoras antes que yo. Te felicito por todo los logros que consigues. Se nota tu esfuerzo y empeño y sobretodo tu pasión por la moda. Recuerdo tu charla en T.E.D cuando recomendaste comentar en otros blogs y con esto crear más audiencia. De verdad me encantaría que te pasaras por mi blog. Un beso enorme desde Barcelona. Mila

  8. Hi Andy,I love your outfit but WHERE IS YOUR JUMPER FROM? I'm obsessed with foxes at the moment and the jumper would compliment my collection.Thank you for your help.

  9. Such a simple yet elegant look. That Zara bag is awesome, I remember just missing out on it, that was a bad day x)

  10. awesome…looks so pretty…lucky girl…iv never experienced snow..its always hot where I stay :)

  11. I really like these photos. The sneakers are amazing. I wish I'd find the perfect sneakers for the cold season. xx

  12. You did it, you went out in the cold… and again by looking really nice!I love how the colour of your beanie matches the details on your sweater!Love, Breathe Me

  13. I really like this outfit, especially the beanie and sweater with the same bright colours.And the checked coat is amazing ! I'm looking for the same, but can't find it…

  14. I love pictures in the snow! You look stunning and I really like the coat you're wearing. Wouldn't have worn the same shoes but they suit you! Great look xx

  15. You look so beautiful and the snow is very lovely! I love the colour of the beanie I have a thing for those at the min, they look amazing and keep your head warm so a perfect accessory in the winter :) I also think it's cool that the colour of the beanie is on the jumper :) The coat is gorgeous as well! Lovely post!