Dress: Stylein

186 Responses

  1. Mexican beaches are the best!! I love the pictures, they look sooo editorial and the location is great!

  2. The pictures are awesome, and strangely, you seem so calm and fragile in this big black dress. A lot of

  3. Well you look way better in that dress than the model on their website! Definitely a smart move on their part to have you wear it!

  4. I die!!The photos are just perfect, and You are so beautiful Andy!I came to your blog every single day, you're such an inspiration.Keep doing your great work! :)Kisses from Portugal*

  5. un post precioso nenabesosNEWOUTFIT

  6. I LOVE this shoot! It's amazing how beautiful the photos look with only a dress and the beach!xxx- Laura

  7. You look incredible Andy; I guess "less is more" fits perfectly in this post. And the whole scene and composition of the photos look so relaxing. You did a wonderful job :)

  8. WOOOW! Amazing pics and amazing dress too. You guys did an incredible job in this post. The pics from the new camera are awesome…the light is perfect.Congratulations! :D@Tatandpoint


  10. ¡Genial Andy!, como siempre. Un look muy sensual y que resalta uno de tus puntos fuertes: tus piernas. Tengo que decirte por otro lado que eres una de esas personas que transmites taaaaaaanto con tu sonrisa. Me inspira mucho ver tu parte divertida y alegre, me alegras el día con esos post. Besos desde España

  11. Amazing photos. The simplicity of the dress really shows off your long limbs beautifully.Have a fab Tuesday Hun xoxo

  12. oh darling, this really is AWESOME and you definitelly are stunning in that dress :) kisses