Find me on instagram as Stylescrapbook  
So this was pretty much my week through instagram. It was a very cosy week in as I have been battling with a very mild cold (I think my runs in the freezing forest might have something to do with it). 
The weather is pretty bad outside, so I don’t mind staying it as much as possible, plus it gives me the chance to watch my favorite movies and start watching new series. I am hooked with the series Breaking Bad for a week and a half now. Its a bit raw, but its very good. Have you ever watched it?

112 Responses

  1. love these shots! it's getting nice and chilly for fall where I am too. And yes, I am so hooked on Breaking Bad! it is very dark but it just gets better and better!

  2. I must say Breaking Bad is absolutely AWESOME!It gets you hooked and every episode gets better and better… It's great you started watching it, I promise it's worth it!Btw, I love your instagram pictures! P.S. This is the first time ever I post a comment in your blog, even though I've following you for a while!Greets from Mexico! (:

  3. Hey, do you know where I can find that Lord of The rings trilogy movie set? I fyou could reply with an answer that would make me so happy! Thanks! </3

  4. love breaking bad! Ive been watching it with my brother so far we are on season 2 and from the clips ive seen it just keeps gettin better! very raw thou like you said. xo

  5. I haven't watched Breaking Bad but I am currently hooked on Downtown Abbey, have you seen it? If you haven't you MUST your long lost twin Lady Mary is on that show. Really I couldn't believe the resemblance when I first saw it. Enjoy your trip to L.A. its very sunny and warm here so it should be a nice change from AMS. Besos,Lizette

  6. love the photos, and if that photo of the forest is your running path, you are very lucky. That looks incredibly beautiful and peaceful so perfect for a run :)I love cozy days inside with my favourite shows or movies (Lord of the Rings, ooh yeaa) I watched a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad a while ago but will start again :)xx

  7. Breaking Bad is so weird….it is kinda depressing the whole time but you cannot stop watching it :D Lovely collage of your week <3xx

  8. great instagram post! I love your photos! I've just watched two seasons of Suits! You should definitely see it, it's so funny :)

  9. Keep running in all weather, that's how your build up your immune system, but don't forget about right clothes!Take care, cool pics!

  10. I tried watching Breaking Bad a while a go, but just didn't really get into it. I'm more into girly TV shows. I love Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars. Oh well, and American Horror Story, the new season is insane!Get well soon, Andy!

  11. Leuke post!!Hihi leuk die herfstkiekjes en daarnaast die bikini!!Ben jaloers op je iPhone 5…!!!En vind je aantekeningenboekje geweldig!!Fijne dag!X Charlot

  12. I didnt watch it.. Sometimes I think that this weather is nice then you can just stay at home and take a rest:) But usually I love the summer:) Love all your photo, Also, I follow you on Instagram!<3 Love you

  13. I know what you mean, the weather in Amsterdam is really inviting us to stay in! I wish I was as brave as you and continue running in the park, the cold is really putting me off.Have a great Sunday!xx Trend Anatomy