Grey sweatshirt: MANGO
On the second day of our trip with MANGO, each of us got to customize a denim jacket according to our own personal style. We sat there for around 3 hours stitching, pinning and gluing until the sun went down and we didn’t have enough light to see anymore, -trust me, I would have sat there for another 3 hours, I love sewing so much!-. 
I decided to embroider a pocket full of crystals and stones, but leave the rest intact. Its more my style and I know, I will be able to wear it more often if I leave the details kind of minimal but with the feature in the pocket.
Hope you like the photos and video from the trip by the super talented CupOfCouple!

150 Responses

  1. You guys all look great and I love what you all made. Everyone looks so happy and it looks so nice there! I love the video, very well done. I am following Cup of Couple now.Ali if aliandang

  2. Like the video, looks so funny. And all your jackets are amazing. would buy it! Furthermore it is an inspiration for an own DIY projetc.

  3. Me ha encantado el video Andy, que bien lo debisteis pasar!!!!!!La customización dela cazadora vaquera es ideal, yo tambien soy de la opinión de que es mejor no sobrecargar ;)Bss

  4. I love your blog and I love DIY! Is the best way to make your clothes unique! I'm always working on it. =)chicpapaw.blogspot.comkisses

  5. i really love your blog!this post is awesome and i love all your pics !!i'm following you now , i hope you like my blog too and follow me back *.*<3

  6. looked like an amazing weekend, and a really good group of bloggers too.Love all your jacket designs :DMel x

  7. No tengo ni la más remota idea de coser, así que viendo esto tengo que felicitarte por hacerlo y además tan bien! hahaEl resultado me gusta mucho, me parece acertado que apostaras por algo más sencillo para poderlo llevar Laura

  8. love the jacket you made :-)and to all of you.. we would be sooo excited if some of you would visit our blog xx lot s and lots of love

  9. I love your outfit with the white skinny and the grey sweater! And in the eighth picture where you guys are showing your diy denim, I really really like the girl standing at your right with her sleeves with gold chains!! So cool!! And your black loafers are rocking my world too!!All<

  10. Very nice pics!! Love the first two! You look like a fashion designer!! :DBianca

  11. I love your style Andy and your posts!I know that it's a superficial comment like almost of the others, but I think you're one of the best blogger! Love your blog, thanks for your time :-)Maria from Italy

  12. you look stunning with your diy jacket!love the jumper!xxxhttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.ithttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it

  13. WOW gorgeous DIY jacket ! XX Luba Well Living Blog Michael Kors bag :: GIVEAWAY