Photos by Cup of Couple
As part of our trip to Ibiza with MANGO, the girls and I got the chance to have a yoga class by the beach, bright and early in the morning. It was such a beautiful and relaxing experience.
Thank you so much for your sweet and supportive comments from yesterdays post regarding my lost bag. As soon as the bag landed in Amsterdam, the airport staff called me to deliver it. 5 days later my bag is home with me and I will consider myself lucky that it didn’t take even longer. 
Despite the whole bag drama, I had such an amazing time in Ibiza with Gala, Chiara, Jules, Aimee, the boys from Cup Of Couple and the Mango team. Until the next time! :)

136 Responses

  1. so jealous! i am adding this idea to my socialbliss collection ( & stealing this idea! great idea to do with the girls! oh, and love that you're there with my girl, Jules! xx- xo – Metz

  2. love to start my morning with yoga and with this location it's kinda a dream ;-)and to all of you guys.. we would be sooo excited if some of you would visit our blog :-) lots of

  3. yoga seemed to be the best option for you, since you were very nervous about the bag :) and I love the fact that you're still smiled and beautiful in such drama!love xxx

  4. you look cool!so glad you've got your bag .xoxohttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.ithttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it

  5. I am glad you got your suitcase back! Lovely photos…I already saw them at Chiara's.xx

  6. This is just too perfect! Now I have something to do in the mornings~*looking up classes*

  7. You are really having some great time over there :DDid you go there on your own or for some purpose? Because I see that some of my favorite bloggers are there :D

  8. The yoga looks amazing on the beach! So sorry to hear about your bag, glad its back with you. Love the yoga outfit! <3

  9. What a great news from you Andy, it's really happy to hear that your bag is back home! I love yoga, would like to try it in the beach, a beautiful beach~