I wanted to share with you a few quotes that always inspire me to keep going … Hope you have a beautiful weekend!

Queria compartir con ustedes algunas de las frases que siempre me inspiran y motivan a seguir adelante … Espero que tengan un fin de semana increíble.


123 Responses

  1. Those of us trying to make it in the fashion industry very much need some inspiration. Thanks.leilahslipstick.tumblr.com

  2. These quotes are so inspirational they really remind you to dare to think different… Love it.xoxo- AMShttp://rainandthunders.blogspot.nl

  3. Fantastic quotes. I really love quotes, and you can find some for every occasion, which I love. Thanks for a wonderful blog and keep on going :-)http://attachedtofashion.blogspot.com

  4. Inspiring quotes are always a boost for many of us who are chasing after our dreams and passions, which other people say one will never make it happen! Cheers to you and all of us, doing something that we love regardless of the difficulties ahead! <3

  5. Dearest Andy,I don't comment on blogs a lot, but I wanted to take the time to let you know that I really admire you. I know how you feel and I think it's really impressive how you deal with it all. You have such good values and you manage to keep them during all the madness that you've been going through for the last couple of years, which proofs that you DON'T have to be like everyone else! People like you, honest and with a good heart, will (like you said) attract good things and in the end be surrounded by people of the same kind. There will always be people that talk behind your back and are jealous of your success, but it's more sad for them than for you. You know who you are and that you're not going to change that just because you happen to be in a business where pretending to be something you're not is in fashion. These quotes gave me the last push I needed to pursue my dreams anyway, besides all the things that are holding me back. You're an amazing person, please remember that and never let anyone put you down.Love,Nikita

  6. un post muy inspirador. Haré caso de lo que dices, porque tal vez estas frases te han hecho llegar tan lejos. Me encanta ver como comenzo tu blog, y ver como fue empezando a tener éxito poco a poco. Eso si que me inspira :) Un beso enorme!

  7. I really like your quote!♥http://style-chameleon.blogspot.com/ Will you please vote for me in the Esprit Style Battle? See my blog for the link.

  8. I love quotes. Especially when they gives you the final kick. – Which I needed. This just convinced me that I should leave Denmark, and move to Paris and pursue my dream. Thank you for such an inspirational blog. Been following you for years.xx

  9. tienen mucha razon nena!un besazoNEW LOOK: MADRID STREEThttp://showroomdegarde.blogspot.com.es/2012/10/madrid-street.html