James Dean t-shirt: H&M Men / Bag: PS11 / Shorts: H&M Trend / Sneakers: Lemare / Ruby casing necklace: Fashionology / Jacket: Marni for H&M / Sunglasses: Celine / Bracelet: Hermes / Watch: Michael Kors / A necklace: Neha

Its definitely not too soon to start panicking about what to wear to New York fashion week and then London, and then Paris and then phew, fashion week season is madness.

169 Responses

  1. Cool outfit, dear: very rock 'n roll, I like it! I like your blog, it's very nice! Take a look to mine, if you want: we might folow each other. I'm following you now. Have a nice day!With love,Ladyfairywww.ladyfairy-scloset.blogspot.com

  2. Te acabo de descubrir!Me encanta el blog, tu estilo y tu eres muy guapa!! Así que me quedo con tu permiso!Un besito, yo te invito a pasarte por el mio.chrome://newtabhttp//coquettecouturierel.blogspot.com.es/

  3. You're actually the only blogger that doesn't look like a total mean bitch at your photos! :) the shorts are soo cute xhttp://ohsillyfashion.blogspot.com/

  4. Amazing look! I did a post with the same name this past monday!! What a good coincidence! =)xxMySweetPearlswww.mysweetpearls.blogspot.com

  5. love the look!!!and the shoes…..Really love your blog…its an inspiration!!!Please, come to my blog, Im starting to write in english. Pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeee.Hope you like it!!!Thank so muchhttp://www.theglowmakeup.com/

  6. OMG! Me encantan las cuñas son tan bonitas!!!!!!Espero que te valla bien a la hora de empaquetar para las FWs tiene que ser increíble!!! Un bo guapisima!!Carmen.

  7. Love your jacket! It's so refreshing getting into fall colours!Have a fab Thursday Hun xoxohttp://www.intotheblonde.com/Vote intotheblonde BEST LIFESTYLE BLOG in the Cosmo Blog Awards 2012http://www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/blog-awards-2012-vote

  8. Wow, gorgeous outfit! I really love that shade of deep red in the shorts and necklace :) Helen xxhttp://neverquiteelegant.blogspot.co.uk

  9. Awesome outfit!And I'm in love with your bag!♥http://style-chameleon.blogspot.com/ SANS-ONLINE €50 VOUCHER GIVEAWAY!