100,000 THANK YOU’S

I cant believe that exactly the day of my Birthday,  my facebook page reached 100,000 likes…THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! It was the best birthday present and I made a small video to share with you how grateful and happy I am…I hope you like it!
No puedo creer que exactamente el día de mi cumpleaños, mi pagina de Facebook alcanzo los 100,000 “me gusta”…¡MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS A TOD@S! Ha sido el mejor regalo de cumpleaños, así que hice un mini video para agradecerles… Ojalá que les guste :D

73 Responses

  1. Since you wrote dankjewel in dutch, I am going to do that as well. Van harte gefeliciteerd en graag gedaan.

  2. I love the video! Congrats for your 100 000 it's amazing! (you have 100 693 "likes" today + mine… sorry I forgot to click)!I want to thank you too for your great style inspirations and everyday good mood!Hello from FranceFanny

  3. congrats! thats great for you, happy to hear it! would you mind checking out my blog too? i would really appreciate it! :)xoturquoiseinlove.blogspot.com

  4. so lovely!congratsss!<3<3http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/

  5. wow that is an acomplishment and a great birthday present!!! I´m striving to reach a 1000 on facebook!!! so anyone who would like to help me is welcomed ;) hehe … xo and cograts to you! Almahttp://www.soulofashopper.com

  6. Andy muchas felicidades!!!Primero por tu cumpleaños, te deseamos lo mejor y te mandamos un abrazo hasta Barcelona (:Segundo por tus 100,000 likes en fb!xoxo

  7. Feliz cumpleaños Andy! Soy tu fan desde Guatemala y tengo un blog que espero algun día pueda ser tan influyente como el tuyo. Muchas felicidades y saludos desde Guate!!!PD: felicidades por los fans en facebook también!- Amparo :)

  8. Felicidades!!! Adoro tu blog. Lo descubrí hace más de un año y estoy enganchada!!!Besos, Lenahttp://diariodeunaadictaa.blogspot.com.es

  9. Hi!I’m from Brazil and i saw your blog on signature9 and i’ll be really glad and honor if you check my website and give your opinion! I’m on this blog thing for 3 years.Congrats for your blog btw, it’s [email protected]/tomaraquecaiaagora

  10. Muchas felicidades!Y gracias a ti por inspirarnos todos los dias con tus looks y tu felicidad.besitoshttp://quemepongobyalbavila.blogspot.com

  11. Congrats Andy! You deserve this, your blog is fabulous! :) XxNew DIY up on…www.fashionably-sporty.blogspot.com

  12. You look so sweet Andy, like you always do! I really love your blog it's on my top 5 list over all blog!!Congratulation with the 100.000 facebook likes, and your birthday of course! Have an awesome evening!www.juliemitzie.com

  13. t deseo lo mejor princesano t pierds este utimo lookhttp://showroomdegarde.blogspot.com.es/2012/07/sport-outfit.html