Sometimes I get beautiful surprises like this one in my inbox. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the attachment and saw this beautiful watercolor made by one of my incredibly talented readers…Thank you so much for making my day Aleksandra!  -You can see the original photo here

Algunas veces me llegan estas hermosas sorpresas a mi correo electronico. Cuando abrí el dato adjunto y me tope con esta acuarela hecha por una de mis lectoras, no lo podía creer…Muchísimas gracias a Aleksandra por haberme hecho el día :)  -Para ver la foto original has click aquí

154 Responses

  1. wooowww!!! wonderful!! love it so much! it is fantastic! it's a special painting… you should hang it on your flat!es maravilloso! me encanta! podrías colgar esta pintura como un cuadro! es precioso!www.mysavageside.blogspot.com

  2. Love Love Love this picture, she is talented. Is there a way you can use this in your blog header or something? I think it deserve to be all the time on your blog.Love from Middle East.

  3. This is amazing. She's a beautiful painter. And this is one of my favorite whimsical looks of you.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  4. I'm so glad I just discovered your blog- your sense of style is the epitome of perfection! I look forward to seeing your future posts, have a lovely day xxx

  5. Me encanta! cuando lo vi ayer lo primero que pensé… digno de tenerlo en el apto en GRANDE! bellísima como SIEMPRE xoxo

  6. Omg, it's so beautiful! Really like this painting, I can only imagine your face when you opened this!!!!! <3<3http://coeursdefoxes.blogspot.com/xx

  7. woah this is quite impressive! shes talented and u look fantastic in this! lucky u to hv such talented fans!xx nathan.niche-FIND YOUR NICHE-http://style-niche.blogspot.com

  8. Ok, that photo was great, but the Painting is AMAZING, MUCH MUCH BETTER. good job Alexsandrawww.7-sevendays.blogspot.it

  9. Dios es increíble!Yo creo que cuando recibes estas cosas te tiene que recorrer un escalofrío por todo el cuerpo!!Un besohttp://mywhiteidea.blogspot.com.es/