You might find this story familiar, you know, when you find something that you REALLY REALLY want but it seems to be sold out everywhere. I literally swept the web for weeks and weeks trying to find these shoes, of course I couldn’t find them available and yesterday, just as I was about to give up, I found the very last pair and it was my size! … I don’t always get this lucky, but I guess my story had a happy ending this time, now I just have to wait 3 to 5 days to be able have them in my hands, sigh……

76 Responses

  1. omg that is the best feeling in the world when that happens! just the other day i was looking for a pair of shorts and they didnt have any in my size and i was determined to find them somewhere so i scoured between racks hoping to find a pair shoved somewhere and right before we were leaving i found a pair in my size put in the wrong rack!-Jessica

  2. Se ven súper modernos y no hay mejor premio para tal búsqueda que conseguirlos en tu talle y que sea the last one! Era un claro meant to be ♥www.megustaonomegusta.comXOXONADIA

  3. These Alexander Wang Joan pumps are just AH-MAZING!!!! I've seen them in white and I fell in love, I'm so happy you got lucky and found the last one in your size…and I cant wait for you rock these babies..can I suggest you make a style in motion video with those babies, as you are right it's great to see some pieces in motion oppose to a still :)Cymonexo

  4. That story is waaayy too familiar but for me, it always ends up with an unhappy ending. Everytime I see something I love but more like love at first sight, sometimes I think "Oh well, I'll come buy it later" and for some reason, my size always disappears, even if I go there in the next day. ALWAYS disappears!

  5. Genial que hayas encontrado los zapatos, cuando pasan estar cosas y la buena suerte nos acompaña es como estar en el cielo! Los zapatos son divinos! :)

  6. I'm not that crazy about them, but I am very curious to see you wear themCool you found them afterall !www.tripsandtreasures.netnew outfit post !

  7. These shoes are really cool! But I'm not sure if I prefer them in black or white! I'm exited to see how you'll wear them!!

  8. So it was meant to be all along Andy! Can't wait to see you rockin those bad boys!Have a fab Tuesday Hun xoxo