I carry way too much stuff inside my bag, in fact whats in this picture is just a fraction of what I have in there. People who know me always ask me why is my bag so damn heavy all the time and even believe I carry gym weights every now and then, maybe even rocks but I just find everything inside it essential!. I probably don’t end up using 40% of whats in there but “What if I need it one day?”, I cant possibly get it out because one day it will come in handy right? 

Cargo demasiadas cosas en mi bolsa, de hecho lo que esta en esta foto es una fracción de lo que traigo adentro y la mayoría de la gente que me conoce siempre me pregunta por que mi bolsa pesa como si cargara piedras. La verdad es que según yo, todo lo que cargo es “esencial”, aunque no termine usando el 40% de lo que traigo adentro, pero “¿Que tal si un día lo necesito?”, Obviamente lo tengo que traer conmigo por si las dudas ¿no?

153 Responses

  1. el mismo problema tengo yo siempre.. :D Siempre tengo demasiadas cosas en mi bolsa.. pero bueno.. como dices. algun dia se necesitara :D y ya me ha pasado de hecho ;)

  2. ¿Y qué me dices de cuando haces limpieza y juuusto ese día necesitas algo de lo que has sacado? Aunque lo llevaras ahí desde hace meses y no lo hubieras tocado!

  3. Oh I have the same "predicament". I've ended up breaking some bags because I carry so much stuff all the time! I carry so much stuff because I get the feeling that each item might come in handy and I don't want to be caught unprepared.

  4. On the upside, we know that your arms are probably really toned and you don't need to go to the gym to work on them. I don't carry much with me, so maybe that is why my arms are so frail.

  5. I'm such a girlscout when it comes to my bag, I carry around everything I could possibly need and a couple of important non essentials too. You never know what life will throw your way! printed bags

  6. Lol You're just like me! I carry so much in my bag too which is why I favor big bags and sometimes my friends joke half-seriously that I carry rocks around. haha.. I think the same way, what if I need something, but I didn't have it with me? That would suck, so I carry everything with me. I've been trying to downsize this past year or so! Great post(:Rawrs,

  7. I am really into VS body sprays lately, the PINK scents are really nice. One of my current faves is VS Gorgeous fragrance mist.

  8. So many things- but you never know when and what you'll need desperately:)XoElena

  9. i love that you have so many pink stuff hahaha:) love the bodyspray and your mirror! what an interesting bag!!:)

  10. haha thanks for the encouragement! My hubby always jokes that I don't carry a purse, I carry a suitcase!!

  11. i´m sure, lots of us ladies are the same way!!! we carry way too much stuff, but i agree with you… what if i need it?Loved the lil MJ Mirror and your business card holder! XO Jannine

  12. I'm such a girlscout when it comes to my bag, I carry around everything I could possibly need and a couple of important non essentials too. You never know what life will throw your way! Material Fixations


  14. I am exactly the same way and actually recently my bag has broken which I believe is a result of putting to much in it sometimes. haha

  15. I am bringing a lot with me as well! I have the exact same thing! 'Cause if I leave it out of my bag I will need it!xoxo, Laura

  16. Creo que todas somos iguales los bolsos se llenan de "por si acaso"Un beso guapa tu blog es la inspiración para

  17. haha I basically carry the same essentials as you do (except I do carry around a perfum but an umbrella since I live in London lol), and my bag is kinda heavy!People joke about it, but in the end I always have something to save their day, bubble gum, scissor, duck-tape, hand cream, you name it I have it XD.It's like a magician hat!

  18. Hihi so funny to read :) I think thats just an girl problem, sometimes we just carrie to much arround :)

  19. Super cute post. I love all the mini Marc Jacobs stuff, I have both the lipstick pen and the mirror. xoxo

  20. Very colorful! I probably have most of the same things in my bag only not as colorful as yours! Love it! xo, Christinahtp://

  21. My situation is very similar to yours! In my bag, too many different things. And often, I also say this: you have in your bag rocks! But in my bag has everything I need! This is my world! Thank you)))

  22. That's cool. I likey.Make a what's in my makeup bag / my makeup besties post!?? I'd appreciate.xx Sally

  23. Love the picture, cool how you did it with the text.And I recognize it.. why is that bag always so heavy?? haha.. The only explanation: well, I'm a girl!xo

  24. your too cute :) but im the same way my bag is always so heavy becuase I have alot of stuff as well, but they are essential, and when you dont have the one item, you regret it when you need it haha.Cymonexo

  25. Love it! I've been known to carry the weight of a small elephant in my purse some days, especially if I have a class to go to.xx from Montreal,Sarah

  26. i think it's so cool that you post in two languages – really! it's really inspiring and i hope that one day i'll be good enough to do that on my blog. :)

  27. hahaha.. i know that feeling! it's your security blanket, you can't leave ANY of it at home.. hehe:) love posts like this, your stuff looks so pretty and girly <3

  28. jajajaja yo también meto muchísimas cosas en mi bolso y la mayoría ni las uso…me gustan tus gafas de sol :)un beito

  29. Hombre, igual sí que podías deshacerte de 4 ó 5 llaveros, el set de manicura, llevar sólo un pintalabios… la agenda tampoco creo que la necesites, con el iPhone es sufieciente! ;)Aahh ayer me puse a mirar vídeos tuyos en youtube y me hizo mucha gracia tu acento mexicano! (yo soy española)

  30. great post! in MY bag are: balm, mobile, wallet, earphones, keys, book/magazine!

  31. Oh…I think it's a common problem. I really like the fact you always have with you your manicure set. If you want to see what my "survival kit" is, take a look at I only deal with skincare and beauty, nevertheless I love fashion and I love your original style. I appreciate you more than any other blogger! :)

  32. I always take too much stuff with me aswell. Cool items ! love the cover of your phone and your sunnieswww.tripsandtreasures.netnew outfit post