The weekend was both fun and exhausting. We filmed pretty much all the time we were on board the cruise so it has been kinda hectic managing different scenes/wardrobe changes while running around a gigantic cruise and it has made it practically impossible for me to have any time on the internet. However, I cut my sleep short to get this post ready because I wanted to share with you one of the looks of the day I shot in a spare 5 minutes…I hope you had a nice weekend and expect lots of cruise photos in the next few days :)

P.S- I know I am as pale as a ghost but I really don’t care, pale is the new tanned anyway ;)

169 Responses

  1. Hi Andy!!! How are you?? I didn't see you during fashion week in Paris, where are you ? :PI moved my blog, hope you like the new one :Dhttp://blog.miamarionette.com/I really hope to see you again soon :)xx Mia

  2. Super cute summer-nautical look! I really like that tank top and red watch.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  3. you look fabulous! i love your skintone :) it´s always better to be pale then look like a 50 year old handbag haha :D

  4. I love your latest photos! They are so full of light, I love it! Beautiful outfit too! And I don't think you look pale, just natural!

  5. I whish my leggs would look that gorgeous in shorts and no heels.You are beautiful!♥http://style-chameleon.blogspot.com/

  6. tan is the new in yess..!! go for it … xhttp://betty-freestylescraps.blogspot.com/http://betty-freestylescraps.blogspot.com/

  7. La piel blanca es muy bonita! Yo jamás tomo el sol. Tengo que decirte que me encantan los looks de estos últimos días, te ves más relajada y más natural.

  8. SO LOVELYYYY!!!!!xxxxxhttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/2012/03/no-heels-make-up-for-my-saturday.htmlhttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/2012/03/no-heels-make-up-for-my-saturday.html

  9. i love your photo's, they are such a big inspiration for me! and i love your sunnies:))http://fashiiones.blogspot.com/

  10. Andy u look amazing as usual! Anyway if u have time please visit our blog since we have just opened a new section where we will review top bloggers like u! giving also spicy comments lol the first reviewed is CHIARA FERRAGNI u can read the article Clicking hereAlso because who knows the next one could be you lol 18:47

  11. Amazing outfit! :)PS: Please, stop complaining about your pale skin! :D Who cares???? Pale is nothing to be ashamed of! Just normal skin! :P :DTake care! ;)

  12. Lovely top! Andy, please tell me who takes these beautiful photographs of you? Or are you a photoshop wiz? :)