You might have read on my twitter yesterday that I am on top of a cruise on my way to Punta del Este Uruguay right now.  Its also a part of the TV show I am shooting so my time is completely booked between filming scenes and trying to catch a glimpse of sun, not to mention that the internet on board is the slowest internet connection known to mankind -big reason why there wasn’t a post up yesterday-.
We shot these pics with the orange wall 2 days ago while we waited to board the cruise and I loved the result! The outfit was supposed to be a casual look for the scene of me boarding the cruise but I love how the wall turned out to be the same shade as my shirt and it looks as if I was a chameleon trying to hide against the wall…I gotta rush because they are coming to my room for a wardrobe change in like 5 minutes, laterz!

Jeans: Monki / Bracelet: Michael Kors / Watch: Michael kors

199 Responses

  1. I love the photography and how you did red on red! Great pictures :)Check out my blog!maleasfabcollection.blogspot.com

  2. Great outfit. I love casual and wearable looks like this one. Your loafers are so cute. Need one pair asap!!xoxoAndreaWonderful and Marvelous

  3. Love the way you just blend into the wall! The perfect casual outfit, adore the loafers!Happy Monday hun xoxohttp://www.intotheblonde.com/

  4. Andy! Great pics!Great colors!!I'm in love with your necklace and shoes!G.vitaminagblog.blogspot.comvitaminag.tumblr.com

  5. this outfit is really really awesome andy, Im so glad to see ou in such bright colors again :) I love the orange, and the leo shoes, golden accessories…pretty much evetyrhing about this one :Dhttp://arainbowswan.blogspot.com

  6. Wow couldn't have been a better color for the wall to match with your shirt. You look great, love the braid! And the leopard slippers mixing with the coral! EF xohttp://theboudoirmemoirs.blogspot.com/

  7. ¡Ay dios, me encanta!La forma y el color de la camisa, el collar, los mocasines, TODO me parece bonito, estás perfecta, es un 10 como una casa jajaja.Me da mucha envidia tu viaje, me encantaría tener un trabajo tan divertido, que me llevara por todo el mundo.Un beso enorme!!!

  8. Genial!!!GAXXhttp://gaxxjoyeriatextil.blogspot.com/http://gaxxjoyeriatextil.blogspot.com/http://gaxxjoyeriatextil.blogspot.com/

  9. Love the simple shirt and jeans, statement necklace and leopard shoes pulled together! Your outfits are always so inspiring! Love ~~

  10. I love your outfit; that shoes are the perfect match!Have the best Sunday!Big hugs!InésSimplyClassyMe.blogspot.com

  11. Que lindo Andy!Me encanta el contraste del color de la blusa y la pared.Las zapatillas de ALDO las adoro! son mis favoritas.XoXoEsta Genial esta chica!Lo que tu dices no solo se trata del vestido sino de la actitud y esta chica la tiene totalmente para lucir el vestido.A ver si nos atrevemos vestido en bicicleta, umm….Besos Rebe, buen finde!http://annchic.blogspot.com

  12. great outfit! especially in love with these amazing leo loafers and the great bracelets you are wearing!lots of love cherrybeehttp://live-life-cherrybee.blogspot.com/

  13. MY LOVE FOR YOUR BLOG IS BECOMING BIGGER AND BIGGER!xxxhttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/

  14. I like this look a lot, it seems a bit more casual than what you sometimes wear (which isn`t bad at all). You look beautiful and this is something I would like to wear just the way you combined it. Of course the scenery is fantastic for the shots. A perfect match, definitely.

  15. love your shirt andy and those loafers are just perfect with it ..beautiful details on accesories simple and chic..your amazing

  16. super cute and casual outfit Andy xoxo I'm not a massive fan of flats (though they are the most comfy pairs around..) but this one is okay because you've paired it up with a gold cuff necklace. I just like that shade of browny orange with the whole look. splendid <3xxStyle Hostess

  17. me encanta mucho mucho como vas hoy!! tan sencilla y natural y con tanto estilo!!! me han enamorado tu camisa, tu collar y tus zapatos, vamos todo jejejejejeun besote preciosahttp://all-more-2010.blogspot.com/

  18. ANDY! LOVE`IN this post so so much! When other bloggers try to rock mint/neon colors, you are winning by making old trends work!xx,one of best bloggers!giedhre.blogspot.com

  19. I agree, really love the way your shirt matches the wall! And I love the gold touch in your outfit!xxxfashionstiletto.blogspot.com

  20. That look is great: simple but oh so stylish!Those slippers are just fantastic.Qué envidia me das! Crucero en Punta del Este! Disfruta por las que estamos muertas de frío en Europa central!