Sunday is going to be my only free day of filming this week so I am planning on resting and spending some time by the pool…Happy Sunday!

 El domingo es mi único día de descanso de las filmaciones esta semana así que estoy planeando descansar un poco y pasar un rato en la alberca…¡Feliz Domingo!

Shorts: ACNE / Blouse: ZARA / Boots: ZARA / Watch: Michael Kors / Bag: Givenchy

200 Responses

  1. You know how we envy you for the bare legs:-) love the blouse,it looks perfect with shorts-like they're made for each other!;)xxB.

  2. This is the first time I visit your blog and I have to say "WOW! Those legs!"How tall are you?Loving the outfit, I'm sure I couldn't wear this blouse though…

  3. AMAZING! I miss having amazing weather! But it is getting warmer here in Philly, and I plan on busting out some bare legs soon :) You look gorgeous girl!xoxo,colormenana.blogspot.com

  4. Hola Andy!! es una alegría tenerte en Argentina, de verdad!! Yo vivo en una provincia argentina llamada Córdoba y todos los dias veo tus posts, adoro tu estilo súper original y distinguido…te diría que es mi blog preferido, y si sólo dispongo de unos minutitos para ver moda, ovbio que le doy prioridad a Style Scrapbook. Me emocionaron mucho los post que hiciste desde tu México natal, ya que en uno o dos meses estaré mudándome al D.F. Adoro todo lo que tenga que ver con esas tierras…!! Te mando un abrazo fuerte y te deseo que pases unos dias inolvidables en mi querido Buenos Aires!!PD: te recomiendo que tengas bastante cuidado con tu bolsote Givenchy en la calle ya que hay bastantes arrebatadores de bolsos que van de a dos en las motos, mientras uno conduce, el de atrás arrebata el bolso, se sube a la moto y desaparecen rápido…

  5. Love this look on you! Love the short is combination with that wonderful blouse and the booties and most inportantly…You look so happy :Dwww.creativityandchocolate.blogspot.com

  6. Muy lindaaMe encanta esa camisa, quiero conseguirlaaaa pero no ha llegado a Buenos Aires.Es divertido reconocer los lugares que usas para los post en mi ciudad!Que tengas un excelente domingo!El clima acompaña tu estadía!www.megustaonomegusta.wordpress.comPS: te voy a ver el jueves en el sheraton!!!

  7. love the burgundy shorts!<3 and floral shirt is amazing too you look stunning:)http://glassandglitter.blogspot.com/

  8. You look just amazing, as you always do! Wish summer would come to us soon so i could wear an outfit like this… bit still have to wait.enjoy the sun !xxx Franzilaflorestadesordenada.blogspot.com

  9. I am craving anything but winter right now!!!I love how you combined the colors :)And I know you dindn't but the sun makes it look like you dyed your hair.. obre ?saludos!

  10. Lovely outfit! I'm jealous of the weather, although it's quite warm today in Greece. But I can't wait to wear something with bare legs! :)

  11. you look so happy here :) more than you usually do!and he weather makes me just a liiiiittle bit (ok, fine, a lot) jealous – still dealing with the minus 4 degree temperature over at Europe!

  12. wonderful photos, the zara blouse is sooo cool and looks great on you, everytime I see it, I love it a bit more!Have a wonderful sunday at the pool!xxx Anita

  13. wonderful photos, the zara blouse is sooo cool and looks great on you, everytime I see it, I love it a bit more!Have a wonderful sunday at the pool!xxx Anita

  14. you hair look lovely with theses little wavesI really want the weather to change so that I can put away my boots and winter jackets!!I really like your accessories in this outfit!claude//imaginetheswallows.blogspot.com

  15. Hey Andy,you bring spring/summer into our homes! Even if the sun is not coming out today in Frankfurt, at least it's in your pictures and in your outfit as well! I have a similar blouse from Zara and I like it a lot. Paired with the shorts – heavenly! :) Greetings from http://hollymeetskeith.blogspot.com

  16. Absolutely gorgeous outfit! I can't wait for summer time here in Austria. I miss the warmth!! :)xoxoAndreaWonderful and Marvelous

  17. Llevo más de un año siguiendo tu blog y siempre has sido de gran inspiración para mí en cuanto a estilo y emprendimiento. Feliz Domingo desde México!

  18. Aaaa, I envy you for wearing shorts!! Where I live there's still bunch of snow left to melt and no shorts in sight :Phttp://lartoffashion.blogspot.com