Here is a tiny sneak peek of the set on the first day of filming. I cant give too much away on what the TV series will be about, in fact, a lot of the episodes are still a surprise for me but what I can share is that the series will be for Cosmopolitan TV and will be televised in Latin America … I am loving Buenos Aires so far, it is such an amazing city and Gosh, 7 of every 10 men are hot, so girls, you gotta come down here! ;)

Los dejo con unas fotos del set en el primer día de filmación. No puedo dar muchos detalles sobre la serie de televisión, de hecho la mayoría de los episodios todavía son secreto para mi , lo que si les puedo adelantar es que la serie es para Cosmopolitan TV y será televisada en los Países de America Latina … Estoy feliz como una lombriz en Buenos Aires, es una ciudad increíble y Dios, 7 de cada 10 hombres son guapísimos así que vengan todas a Argentina! ;)

151 Responses

  1. jajajaja Andy tomaré muuuuuuuy enserio lo de los chicos! Primer viaje fuera del país (México) a Argentina! jajaja por cierto me encanta el outfit que estás usando. Besos

  2. hahaha i love the last thing you said, about the guys. Most bloggers wouldn't say this :) I'm so curious to the programme

  3. Andy the best way to get to know you more is to watch you on videos, I actually prefer seeing your videos than your photos. So eventhough my spanish sucks, I really would like to be able to watch the program where you are featured ! Anyway the way you were dressed totally rocks !!Shug'A'Very from Incognito http://www.thinkincognito-eng.blogspot.com

  4. That's exactly the comment that I always heard from any female that goes to Argentina, most of the men are handsome… I need to go there!!!

  5. Jaja me alegro que disfrute de la ciudad y del barrio donde crecí, vivo ahora en Espana, y hace 14 anios que no vivo en bs as (buenos aires). Me case con un argentino, del cual estoy divorciada….mujer que encuentras personas maravillosas en todos lados…..yo argentino no te recomiendo, por experiencia, TQMVero-Madrid

  6. Claro que veremos esa serie o programa me encanta tu blog yo tambien pienso ir a Amsterdam pero por negocios espero visitar algunas tiendas de tus recomendaciones…. SUERTEEEEE

  7. Haha, a friend and I were just talking today about how much we would love to live in Argentina with all those lovely men!! I hope you enjoy it! You look great!www.styliststeph.blogspot.com

  8. Andyyyy! siempre vengo aca pero nunca comento, hoy decidi comentar porque estas acaaa en mi ciudad querida que elegi para vivir (soy de brasil) y me alegra que estes disfrutando tanto! sos hermosaaaa, te amo! ps: no deje de ir a cenar en uno de los restaurantes de mariscos de puerto madero!!!

  9. Te felicito por el programa Andy! Y distruta de mi bellisima Argentina! Los hombres son lindos, si, pero mucho jaj! Besos

  10. You look amazing Andy! I love the red hat. I hope you're loving everything that's happening to you! I have so many dreams, and I love following everything that's going on in your life – It just makes me want to fight more for my dreams :)

  11. Argentinian men are gorgeous!!!, I married one!!!!Enjoy Buenos Aires!Have the best weekend!Big hugs!InésSimplyClassyMe.blogspot.com

  12. Hola Andy! que placer que estés en Argentina!!! Como te parece que nos vestimos las mujeres?? Un beso Grande ojala puedas recorrer más aparte de Buenos Aires!! :). María José

  13. Andy, yo soy brasileña pero tengo familia en Argentina, y te cuento que los argentinos si son hot, pero tambien muy caballeros, como jamas he visto en ninguna parte.Y por favor, coma unas medialunas com mucha dulce de leche por mi ;)Enjoy Argentina, Besos

  14. jajaj que envidia nos acabas de dar a todas!!!queremos ver esa serie ya!!muchos besoshttp://elbauldeladyshira.blogspot.com/

  15. I love your blog I saw it everyday.I do like your style ;).I am looking fordwar to buy a long skirt but I didn't found any, could you tell me where can I found it? I try to look for it at Zara but they are not loger on the front…kisses

  16. so original the skirt and the hat ;)http://www.purebch.com/2012/02/brown-and-beige-shades.html#comment-form

  17. OMG!! Can't wait !! There's something interesting about this tv show that i must watch :)Excellent post ! Oh yea, and i agree with you about men ;) they're all hot and sexy. haha :)Love!! xx

  18. Congrats, Andy, don't bag Prince William at the Falklands. Shame, your long pins compared to short legged Kate Middleton aren't visible this time hidden in maxiskirt, but I admire your lace up ankle boots and wide trimmed hat. Outfit looks great in this setting in the bar. Enjoy your vacay.www.entrefashion.com

  19. Andy está bien que hagas cosas diferentes, espero que te hagan crecer en amistades, contactos, personal y profesionalmente.XOXO from BCNLa Vie Quotidiennewww.laviequo.com

  20. I am so happy and excited for you!!!!I love the shoes and the hat! you look amazing!!hugs from ItalyErikahttp://www.thetrendfolio.com/

  21. uv come sooo far from bloogin .. congratulations x xhttp://betty-freestylescraps.blogspot.com/http://betty-freestylescraps.blogspot.com/

  22. STUNNING YOU!CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORE!!XXXXhttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/

  23. Will there be a way for people not living in Latin America to view the tv show? Id really like to be able to watch!If its not you should really convince them to to put it online or something because Im sure many ppl would like to watch it!