I have been dying to show you my “new” polka dot skirt, I just wish it would have been a little warmer in NY so I could’ve worn it sans tights, but this will have to do for now. On the bright side, I packed it on my 2 month trip suitcase so you might see me wearing it differently soon around Argentina, Colombia or Mexico ;)

Me moria de ganas de enseñarles mi nueva falda de bolitas. Me hubiera gustado mucho mas ponermela sin medias, pero estaba haciendo muchísimo frío así que fue inevitable, lo bueno es que la empaque en mi maleta y se vino de viaje conmigo a America latina así que espera verla de nuevo pronto :) 

Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim / Jacket: H&M Trend / Sweater: COS / Skirt: ASOS / Boots: ZARA / Watch: ToyWatch

203 Responses

  1. I am completely addicted to polka dot prints lately. I love how you styled the sweet polka dot print skirt with a tough leather jacket, creates a great fashion balance.

  2. Andy! Esperamos verte pronto en Argentina, y que puedas darte una vuelta por el Buenos Aires Fashion Week! Sería todo un honor tenerte por la semana de la moda de Buenos Aires.Besos!

  3. Wooow!!! Andy you look stunning! This skirt is incredible and rather a sexy cut but the way you combined and styled it, it's also a very, very cool look! I love it!

  4. Reminds me of the house number "We should all wear polka dots" haha. Nice outfit Andy. You look nice, as always. Xxhttp://www.polderglamour.com

  5. i LOVE it Andy!! polka dot print is my current obsession!! hence, i really adore your outfit!! hope i can find something like that!!ps: and i'm really looking forward on your adventure!!!czarina♥kisses from Philippines :)paint it stripesvisit my blog if u have time…

  6. Love how you wear it!CONGRATS FOR OYUR NEW PROJECT!i'm waiting to buy your new camera bag!xoxohttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/

  7. True story. It's always the same. You're looking for some small things and it ends with a full bag of stuff. It's like to visit IKEA. There will always be some candles in your bag :-D

  8. that ASOS skirt is so bubbly!! I'm really lovin' the leather look to it. Is it leather?? I really like how you can top the look so effortlessly Andy~ and whilst looking so pretty and damn chic on a casual stroll around town, this is surely a favourite ;)xoxoStyle Hostess