I landed in NYC yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the weather is MUCH better than in Holland. It is definitely not as cold and the sun was shining, so I couldn’t ask for more, ok maybe one thing, that the weather stays like this for my whole stay ;)
I am speaking at the IFB conference today at around 3:30pm (EST) and 9:30pm (CET) and the whole conference will be Live streamed so feel free to join if you like by clicking HERE.

P.S- These photos were taken in Amsterdam before I left, but I will post NY photos soon! 

Llegue a Nueva York ayer en la tarde y estoy feliz de la vida, no esta haciendo tanto frío y el sol esta brillando así que no puedo pedir mas, todo esta perfecto. Hoy es la conferencia de IFB y voy a ser parte del panel de las 3:30pm (EST) o 9:30pm (CET) por si quieren checar el Live stream AQUI :)

195 Responses

  1. OMG Andy!!! You really have good taste…your clothes, your shoes, your bags…everything is amazing!!! :))Kiss from Portugal!!*

  2. I just watched IFB conference and you inspired my once again! Your blog is one of the main reasons why I started blogging and you are keeping me impressed every day!

  3. I love this look. You look as amazing as ever and the coat is so gorgeous.I loved you on the IFB Conference Panel. It's alway nice to hear from my favourite bloggers about their experiences.xxPariwww.soundofsweetlullabies.com

  4. ANDY! I'm listening to you speak at the IFB conference right now, this panel is SO insightful and I love your interventions! I'm so happy I came across your blog a few months ago, you are such a positive inspiration to me!Virginie ♥

  5. Andy!!!! I'm listening to you now at the IFB conference. So glad you are speaking…thanks for your great advice :) xxJames1542.blogspot.comP.S- please join pinterest!!!!

  6. Those photo are simply amazing.Just watched your TEDx presentation and i felt so inspired and started seeing,well,your own blog and yourself with other eyes,and you're a real inspirational and motivating person to anyone out there and i could see myself in a whole lot of things you said.I have been blogging,on my present blog,for about 3 years and although in some way it comes harder for me because i'm a overweighted girl i also leant that people are so very acceptant and they look out for fashion,for a honest person and they accept me and love my blog and i am ever so grateful for that.Thanks a lot for being such a brilliant blogger,Andy.Besos.

  7. thats an awesome look :) out my blog and tell me what you think on the latest look I wrote about. follow each other? ;)http://fashionhunter4u.com

  8. oh wow Andy, I wish you fun in NYC! Was just looking yesterday at this bag too and I didn't know if I should buy it.. but now, I sure will! :)

  9. Can you please blog about where you eat and where you stay! Not many bloggers do that! I am a huge nyc fan and I know the city pretty well, but I always love to explore more places! I will check in live because Nicolette will be sitting close to you, Nicolette Mason is one of my favorite bloggers! PS love the fact that your blog is still evolving, it keeps it interesting! Your photos are insanely gorgeous

  10. gorgeous look as always, I'm in love with your bag!best of luck with the conference, you'll do greatxxhttp:/suededreamsinc.blogspot.com

  11. amazing lookGIVEAWAY on my bloghttp://selenaycoser.blogspot.com/2012/02/giveawaylancome-hypnose-drama-and-bath.html

  12. Simply beautiful !! Love this look, so chic & elegant . The shades look so nice on you. Can't wait for your NY post.Christyhttp://am2pmchic.blogspot.com/

  13. You are so stylish and the fact that you are tall makes any outfit fantastic on you!!!Wish you have a great time again in NYC!!!!www.lovelittlelulu.blogspot.com

  14. You look gorgeous as always! I wish I had your legs :P oh, and you look so pretty with your hair up! :) I love your jacket and your bag!Have a lot of fun in New York!xoxohttp://sparklyfashion.blogspot.com/

  15. Aaah… you're so lucky to have a good weather in NYC. I wish it could finally change here as well! I'm so tired of below-zero temperatures… Anyway, have an amazing time! :o)x