You know those days where you spend half of your day turning your apartment upside down because your favorite watch went missing? Well, that happens to me a little too often and no, its not because I’m a messy person because in fact, I am all the contrary but my jewelry collection is growing at an incredible speed and I just cant find a place to keep it all together.
I went to do my weekly grocery shopping yesterday and I found this cute metal tree, which was originally meant for photographs (it came with little magnets to keep your photos on the branches), but I saw more potential as a jewelry holder, I mean, how often do you see watches, bracelets and rings hanging from the branches of a tree?…I still have most of my jewelry in a big box but I decided to place my favorite pieces on its branches.

¿Te ha pasado uno de esos días en los que casi volteas tu casa de cabeza por que tu reloj preferido se te perdió?. Desgraciadamente  a mi me pasa muy seguido y no es que sea desordenada, pero mi colección de joyería ha estado creciendo mucho últimamente que ya no se ni donde ponerla.
Ayer fui a hacer el super como de costumbre y me encontre con este arbolito de metal que originalmente era un portarretratos (me vino con unos imanes para mantener las fotos en las ramas), pero yo le vi mas potencial para colgarle mi joyería. ¿Les gusta? 

170 Responses

  1. great tree! I have one made out of wood, but turns my silver jewelry black! jajaja. besos desde

  2. i know that situation very well :Dand this tree is a very good idea!i also have some puppets with hooks for my jewelry collection :)have a nice rest of the weekend :)

  3. I have 1 exact same tree like yours too but it's made of wood! I would have to agree with you that it is pretty handy when it comes to organizing things like bracelets, rings, necklace etc etc etc..I like your friendship bands! =)

  4. PRECIOSO!!!!!ANDYYYYY!!! haz una foto a cada pieza y dinos de dónde es!!que yo he visto un reloj que me vuelve locaaaa!!!Un besazo guapa!!!HERMANAS BOLENA ¿TE GUSTAN LAS FAJITAS NO? hoy en el blog enseñamos cómo hacerlas!!! aunque seguro que tú las haces super ricas!! ;)

  5. Reading your blog is part of my to-do list everyday! I love your style Andy! I wish I could be like you someday! :)

  6. such a great idea!!! it's perfect for organizing and you always see all your accessoires at the same time! i've got a mannequin figure as a holder for earrings, so i'll be on the lookout for similar things in interior shops for storing watches, bracelets,… :))

  7. Great idea! I wouldn't mind to have some of the branches of your tree haha :)♡ Jo LOVE giveaway on my blog

  8. It looks lovely! Can't say enough about your wonderful accessories and jewelry collection.I was just wondering, whether they won't get scratches from the tree and won't get dusty or something.. I tend to keep my watches/jewelry in boxes, which is not very comfortable, but I'm always afraid something would happen to them if I put them all out on some stand))xxTali for

  9. I have been thinking for a while about how I can get my jewellery into some sort of order, I have it in various boxes and can never find anything! This is a super idea and looks fabulous!

  10. Can't believe it! I have got exactly the same tree that was born for a complete different purpose but became a lovely earring tree ;) Kiks

  11. very clever, and it looks organized and nice! nice pictures from the yesterday post with the lady from fashion squad!have a wonderful day!xxanna