Yay, Christmas is finally here!!! :). My family and I celebrate Christmas eve on the 24th and if you also celebrate it, I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas today and on the 25th in company of your loved ones. I am spending a very special Christmas this year surrounded by the people I love so I couldn’t ask for more.

Loads of love to all of you, be safe and have fun!

Merry Christmas!!!

140 Responses

  1. Ya! Christmas is here. But I can't stop thinking to those who suffer, and can't be happy these days. Happy christmas to all and expecially to them. I bought a present (some food) and gave it to one outside a shopping center.

  2. Merry merry Christmas to you too Andy! :)Same here, I can spent my holidays with all my beloved ones.(2 of them I haven't seen for sooo long) In fact I now have to go pick one from the train station. Anyway, I wish you and your family all the best!loves. Anh from tha.Darlinh