Sometimes I get really bored about my hairdo and I was thinking about changing it to start the new year with a new look. I always say that I want to let my bangs (fringe) grow, but I always find myself wanting to get them back, they are sort of addictive (If you ever had bangs, you’ll understand what I mean).
I found this photo by Carlos Nunez and It made me want to get that hair do even more and why not get few highlights while I am at it?, Unfortunately I am so freakin’ terrified about cutting or dying my hair…What do you think? Should I go for it?

Photo by Carlos Nunez

220 Responses

  1. Well to tell you the truth…. I posted the other day a similar post about cutting/highlighting my hair… I have never colored before or done a "drastic" cut— UNTIL NOW! And I absolutely love it…. you can always dye it back ya know? HAS LO ANDY, asi puedes empezar el a#o nuevo con un look nuevo como yo :D A veces se necesita un cambio en la vida!

  2. I know EXACTLY what you mean – I was starting to grow my bangs out, but just broke down and cut them again! We have to accept the fringe is just better haha!! Edgy, sexy and fun! Love this cut with the highlights, go for it!

  3. No se que podría decirte, eres linda así, siempre es bueno hacer cambios, me gusta tu color natural y creo que teñirlo sería cambiar tu look por completo. Y por otro lado, uno nunca sabe no? Sea como sea estoy segura de que tomaras una buena decisión… eres Andy T. come on… jajaja

  4. I had bangs since high school. Yes it's addictive it was also my trade now that i turn 30 I wanted to do something different so I let them grow and guess what? I fucking love it. Why the he'll I did not do this before? I look younger and I can do so much more with my hair :)

  5. I'd say go for it. I think it will suit you:) If you are scared, make sure you go to a great hairdresser and take the picture with you. A good hairdresser will give advise. They know what suits you and take the time to listen to what you really want. Good luck:)

  6. If you really nervous about the bangs. You can ALWAYS purchase Clip on bangs! They sell them at Sally's beauty supply, I am not sure if Amsterdam has any but you could always check online!And don't worry your not the only one! I have been growing my hair for 2 years now and I think I need to change it up, haha! Good day!Love, DianaVisit my Blog!:Dirty Diana's Style Blog

  7. i´d say- go for it!: )it might be pretty cool to have some change at the beggining of new year : )have an amazing weekend : )

  8. we love this picture, it´s so cute, we have the same problem with the bangs :D but bangs is chic, style and looks great :)Banana&Mandarina from

  9. you should definitely do this! changes are important ;) and if you would not like it, it doesnt matter actually. hair is not leg, if you know what i mean. it will grow back ;p

  10. yo creo q te quedaria muuy bien!!:. el corte combnaria perfectamente con tu cata..! :D atrevete!! :) Cre que el resultado seria mas que bueno saludos desde berlin! ;)

  11. definite go Andy !i think you'll suit the highlights really well. although it may be quite of a job to get it retouched every while and then.. mayb u could try lowlights intead? they're more low profile and low maintenance too

  12. Hey Andy, im actually a hairdresser by trade beleive it or not hahah not just a jeweller designer haha! :P , i think if u wanna put sum highlight is do them under a 'halo' so get the hairdresser to section your hair in a halo and pin that up and only do sum highlights underneath so you dont get that ugly streaky regrowth effect :) and it looks amazing with light bit coming trhough i used to have that until i went ombre and now i addicted to the ombre look haha :P xxxx goodluck hehe! n merry christmas! oh r u going to do a look of the day with your nw goodies i sent you hehe! xxxx

  13. Andy!!!! Hace tiempo que no comento nada… pero sigo sin poder hacerlo desde bloglovin y como desde allí visito ahora tu web… pero bue… el corte de la foto me encanta y a vos te quedaría genial, creo!! con respecto a las iluminaciones te apoyo también 100%… yo las tengo hechas pero como no me gusta ir mucho a la peluquería y no me va eso de estar horas sentada esperando… y me vuelvo loca por las raices que me crecen me las hice pero en el largo del cabello… no desde la raíz… quedan divinas… te iluminan pero no te cansa de verlo!!!! Adelante con el cambio!!!! Besos.

  14. Personalmente cuando más guapa te he visto ha sido en la presentación en Mango (que llevabas como un moño un poco con cardado tipo años 60 ¿?) me parece que ese recogido te favorecía muchísimo y no sé también si llevabas algo de color en el pelo pero es la vez que más guapa te he visto. ¡Es solo una opinión! Las crisis capilares son difíciles!!! ánimo!!! xxx

  15. I love that look. Even if you get just a few highlights, it'll add a whole new look without having to go crazy chopping a new hairstyle too! Do it.xoxo

  16. No you shouldn't be terrified of having a new hairstyle. It does help your hair grow faster. Go for the bang, I had mine a month ago after long years of not having them. It feels awesome. NO NO NO, never dye your hair unless it grows whit hair. It would only damage you hair. Good luck..

  17. Go for it! If you really don't like it, you color it back. And coloring is not THAT bad… your hair can handle it, it looks strongXO

  18. No, I'd prefer you as you are now! You are beautiful the way you are…even If you can try, this kind of hair should be really good on you…as you want! :)Kisses :*

  19. Try a new cut, but keeping your bangs, cause you'll miss it in your face in the pictures. Having them is good cause you can have it or not depending on your will to hide it. Not having don't give you the choice of having them. It's kind of a complex phrase, but I hope you get it!And don't change its color, cause you'll be a slave having to dye your hair every single time it grows back. Everybody who dyes it, some time later regrets it and waits for months to have the original hair color back (and in between this their hair looks awful with the mix of them two)…

  20. I can't wait to see the results..BUT I'm sure you will be so pretty ;)Evi xoxo

  21. Claro que si, me encanta tu cabello, pero que seria de la vida sin algunos riesgos, pienso que te quedaria muy bien, intentalo!

  22. Go for it!! I used to hate cutting my hair and was terrified of dying it.. but honestly, it grows back. Sometimes it's a pain but you can always get a cute cut while growing it, and you can always dye your hair back if you don't like it. Just go to a salon and it will all be good!

  23. I got exactly the same problem as u have growing my hait for 5 years now and stop chemical treatment for 8 months har get's betther. But sometimes we get bored… cutting is very important choice! Highlight be careful it is tempting BUT it really damge the hair :/Btw i think change is good ;) so happy to see the result go for it! bybye Andy take care

  24. Yes!! Go for it! I am thinking of dying my hair blond (my natural color is brown) and I have been thinking about it for so long that I feel I just have to do it, because otherwise I will be still thinking "what if". So go for it, you can change it back :-)Karin D. from

  25. This hair is amazing!I cut my fringe 3 weeks ago, sometimes i love it, sometimes i make it disappear…I thinking about cutting, but not about colour, my hair is too dark for hairlights. But i say to you DO IT!

  26. Go for it! It will always grow again. I'm forever getting a fringe cut, growing it out, getting it cut blah, blah, blah!Emma xxx

  27. You can pull it off i guess! i think you should do it, if you want it why should you not try it.. I dyed my hair brown a few weeks ago.. my natural haircollor is blond.. So give it a try.

  28. I think you should, I'm like you, I enjoy my hair color, I'm never able to move … But sometimes we take chances, I ventured twice, always had long hair, until one day I ventured up to the shoulders and cut in the same year I was invited to do a job for Schwarzkopf hair as a model, was only person who never painted the hair, always had dark blonde and I never had the courage to change, until this day, I loved. I was also a lights they put on the hair, I really enjoyed seeing so.I think you would pretty with the lights.Kiss*Vanessa Ribeiro me please =D

  29. Cut them like 15 cm but don't change the color, if you're too scared do it in 2 parts, first cut and then if you really wanna change the color do it

  30. Yes ! I think you may do bangs and maybe cut your hair with a straight line on the ends, but I would think further about dying.. It is really hard to go back to your colour and since you got a beautiful own colour there is no point in dying all of them, but hghlights could be okay ! : ) xxx

  31. I think you should go for the haircut! I love your hair Andy! It looks so natural! I hate higlights, dyed hair and especially extensions, to me it just says 'fake', with natural hair you have one less thing to worry about every month and it looks way better!

  32. I totally understand! I had bangs for a few years (and different types haha) and then I wanted to let them grow. So I lived without bangs for a year (I guess) and now I have straight bangs again! Like you said, it's addictive. You should go for it, I think it looks good on you! x

  33. I think it would look beautiful because you've got such a beautiful face and eyes I think a fringe would stress it :) it's your choice of course but I'd love to see this hairdo on you ;)

  34. ¡ Estoy segura de que llevarías muy bien el flequillo ! Además, como yo llevo el flequillo sólo puedo decir : ¡ No hay nada mejor que el flequillo ! jaja

  35. Andy I am not so sure whether this look suits you. Many haircutters have a programme which can apply several haircutts on your face. You can also do it with photoshop. Try that and maybe post it for us first so we can imagine better? :) Bangs might look great on you, though it would remind me too much on Betty from leblogdebetty – you are well-known and popular with your current look. It's fresh and clean. The one you are planning on is partly very romantic which isn't so much what you or at least your blog stands for. But which colour do you want your highlights to be? Don't choose blond please, that wouldn't be you at all!! That is my opinion, I hope I could help your decission in some way :)xx. Anh

  36. Siiiii!!! Andy!! hace mucho lo pensaba! no tengas miedo!! yo tenia el cabello como Danni (chicmuse) y lo corte por los hombros, cambie el color y me hice el flequillo y me encanto!! Atrevete te te!! ya veras!!

  37. SIIII!!!! Andy!! hace mucho lo pensaba! Yo tenia el cabello así como Denni (chicmuse) y lo corte por los hombros, cambie el color y me hice el flequillo y me encanto!!! el cabello SIEMPRE crece :)

  38. I say: GO FOR IT!I'm a barber and I cut peoples hair daily.. I have a bang too and I LOVE it. It grows fast so if you don't like it, it's grown in a few months.And about the highlights.. you don't have to take many just a few, to see if you like it, you can allways take some more ;)with love

  39. How i understand you. I would love to become a ginger girl, but i can't change… I am so terrified :) But I vote bangsm i love (i don't cut mine becouse i have curly hair…kiss

  40. Hola Andy!!!! :)A mí me parece mucho más cómodo no tener flequillo ni pelos por la cara! Además que es más fácil para el cuidado de la piel. Pero tengo que reconocer que un flequillo recto puede quedar genial!Lo de las mechas, yo una vez me hice unas y quedaron poco natural… así que opté por hacerme un hombré hair, parece como si hubiera sido el mar quien me lo hubiera hecho! :)un besito Andy preciosa!!!Valentina

  41. do what you want with your hair. It's just hair; it'll grow again. You don't have to be terrified. This "being terrified of having my hair cut/dyed" always reminds me of want-to-be models sreaming and crying at the hairdressers of Germany's Next Top Model. Not that I watch it anymore.We're grown-ups and it's just hair. And if you like your new look you'll love and won't regret it! :DJust choose the look you love most and go for it.I went to the hairdressers with hair long to the chest and cut it to a length of 3cm. And survived.Curious to see your new hair! :-)

  42. andy, don't worry about this new haircut, I'm sure it will be very well on you :)Remember when you did a haircut like that before (I think 1 year ago); you were very very beautiful and you looked very young. This one haircut and the other are not exactly the same but… it looks like the same. Anyway. Listen, if you really want to get a new look just go! xxxxx <3

  43. You should totally do it! I know exactly what you mean with being afraid of cutting and dyeing – I had the same style for years and my own natural color. I finally went for it after I got way too tired of my old style. Haven't looked back since. Besides, you've got strong Mexican hair, so if you don't like it, you should be able to grow it out pretty quick.Good luck!

  44. This hairdo is indeed beautiful! I have bangs so I totally understand you! I love experimenting with my hair but the bangs always stay :DXoXoPlami

  45. aaaaaw! I think that if you decide do it that, you gonna look amazing!:)Hope you have a nice day!^^ ♥

  46. Go for it! I think you have the pretty same hair do, since you start your blog 4 years ago ;)So dye your hair, cut yout bangs (you look gorgeos with bangs!) ! :)

  47. Go for it! I think you have the pretty same hair do, since you start your blog 4 years ago ;)So dye your hair, cut yout bangs (you look gorgeos with bangs!) ! :)

  48. Well, the bangs we have all seen on you already, and we know you look gorgeous with them, but i dont know if i would mess with the color. good luck in any case, either way – ur beautiful

  49. i totally understand you about bangs! they are so damn addictive! i would say go for it! you can make highlights they're not gonna damage your hair that bad, it's not total bleaching, just highlights!we all need changes and i think this one would look great on you!Dolly, xoUnicorns, Heels and American Dreams

  50. El corte de pelo es chulisimo , pero a mi me pasa como a ti siempre digo de hacerme algo y luego salgo de la peluqueria con las puntas cortadas y punto !!

  51. If you don't like the color you can always change it back so I wouldn't worry about that… plus im sure you will look fantastic whatever you choose to do :)

  52. definitely! you can never go wrong with a few highlights (especially in the cold season) and regarding the bangs – go for it, my dear!

  53. I really do love you with bangs! You should definitely do it! But what about cutting and doing some highlights….if you are not sure, just start with something small. Don't do big changes at a time…

  54. Well, I say DON'T dye your hair! Why should you, since your natural colour is purely gorgeous!? I've never done it in my life, and I'm still not willing to…As for the bangs, go for it! :o)x

  55. I totally understand you, I'm now letting my bangs grow. It's a yearly tradition and I've always failed but I think I'll make it this year. Love the fringe in this photo, maybe you can do it step by step? xo

  56. Well, I should think twice about cutting it.. That's a big decision you can't just undo. Dying it shouldn't be a problem. You can dye it back to your original color if you don't like it.Good luck!xo

  57. tu color de pelo no lo toques! me encanta!a mi también me aterrorizan los cortes de pelo drásticos pero en el fondo (muy fondo) me tienta muchísimo… xxPia

  58. I think you look classy with long fringe.;-)But how about for example ombre hair? It would look really nice with your dark : I maybe shoulder length hair : has become popular, and suits almost everyone ;D Both Miroslava Duma and Olivia Palermo look cute. :D Regards.

  59. i love your hair like it is, but sometimes we have to change things, so also a hair cut to feel free and like another person! i would do it, andy!lovely greets to youmaren

  60. HI! Yep, I think you should! I've your same problem, I want to cut them down, shorter, but I'm afraid of "Damn, I want them to be long again!".. But, it's the new year, we need fresh and news! I'm sure you're gonna be awesome!Kisses, Char

  61. i think a few higlights is always ok. be aware that these might be even more addicting than the bangs;-) you will look fab no matter what!!i can totally understand why you became obsessed due to the picture. I always do it myself – find a great picture of a beautiful model and go to my hairdresser with it in hand hehe.lovemodepistol