Hello Monday!!!…These are the pics from the day when I had to give my TED talk. A lot of you already watched it and for those who haven’t, I will post it here tomorrow morning, for now, you can watch the pre interview HERE and although it might seem like I wasn’t nervous, believe me when I tell you that I was, Oh sweet Lord, I was!
We shot these pictures literally 30 minutes after I gave my talk and at the after party. I was feeling so relieved,  literally felt as if a 50 ton rock got off my shoulders and oh so very happy!


¡¡¡Hola Lunes!!!…Estas son las fotos del dia que tuve que dar mi platica de TED. Much@s ya la vieron pero para l@s que no, mañana en la mañana la voy a compartir con ustedes. Por el momento pueden checar la entrevista AQUI y aunque pareciera que no estaba nerviosa, tenia una familia de mariposas revoloteando en mi estomago :S
Estas fotos las tomamos 30 minutos después de dar mi platica y juro que sentia como si me hubiera quitado una piedra de 50 toneladas de los hombros, ah pero que feliz estaba :)

Skirt: ZARA / Sweater: COS / Blazer: ZARA / Boots: ACNE / Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim

196 Responses

  1. hola andy soy brenda de uruguay, quisiera decirte qye te admiro y me encanta como eres ahora te seguire en facebook, te amo.

  2. really loving this look esp the skirt! and oh, LOVE YOUR TED SPEECH/TALK! you are truly inspirational andy! <3livelikeadreamer.blogspot.com

  3. Andy ..is it ok to use one of these pics in my own blog?? i Bought the same gold glitter skirt… so i wanted to blog about it : ) and you are such an inspiration. xxxxfrederieke Sophiefred-soph.blogspot.com

  4. I really like this outfit, specially the sequin golden skirt and the gray sweater. I saw your TED talk a couple of weeks ago and I fell in love with it, it was inspirational.Xo,Nicole D.The Owl Girl

  5. love your conference! and from that moment I found it on the web I decided to follow your blog!! awesome, so inspirational!! Kisses from Argentina!! and Viva México!!! =)http://modatime2011.blogspot.com

  6. I don't think I would mix sequins with grey but I like the result. The skirt is amazing!And congrtas for the speech!!xxx

  7. que linda la falda!!! Me encantan tus looks, saludos desde Perú. Comence viendo tu blog y ahora tengo el mio , espero que lo puedas ver. un beso!FERNEVAhttp://ferneva.blogspot.com/

  8. my my my…that skirt is TRÉS BELLE!!!!and ps. you always feel more selfconfident, when wearing such a smashing outfit;-)lovemodepistolwww.modepistol.blogspot.com

  9. Hola andy!!! Nos encanto tu charla en TED, estuviste tan inspiradora que nos hicimos un blog de moda, hoy hemos subido nuestras primeras fotos. Es increíble lo lejos que has llegado, enhorabuena!!!! belén y victoriahttp://thecrazydo.blogspot.com/

  10. wow love the combo! but those sunglasses…sorry but they make your face look a little awkward :/loving the skirt, though ;)

  11. Just saw the video of your interview and you seemed really cool and confident. I think you look fantastic, and I loved what you wore, especially the skirt.

  12. Me gusta mucho como has combinado la falda. El look es fantastico!Las fotos son muy muy buenas.Enhorabuena!Besos desde Españahttp://www.withorwithoutshoes.com/

  13. You look amazing! I adore this skirt! I woud wear it all day and all night!www.onlyupsidedown.blogspot.com

  14. i´m looking forward to the video!: )your skirt is amazing!and that pre interview is very cool! it´s true that you don´t seem nervous!it´s a really good life experience : )have an amazing beggining of this week!♥

  15. NO es mentira: no se te notan nadita los nervos!!! y Eso es lo bueno! Y que te sigas emosionando tanto con estas oportunidades es que sigues con los pies en la tierra =)!!! Te veias super lindaaaaRaquehttp;//ourfavoritestyle.blogspot.com

  16. Everything you said Kelly Cutrone is, is what I think about you specially after your speech."I found her to be such an inspirational, funny and interesting woman and of course, the perfect example of a 21 century business woman, so hats off to her!"very inspirational!

  17. You looked as calm and self-confident as ever!! Honestly…I watched the video and everything went just perfect!! You can be proud of yourself.And the look was also lovely…that skirt is adorable!!xoxohttp://www.petitekarinne.wordpress.com

  18. MUY MUY GUAPA!!Me encanta la blazer y la falda!!Un beso muy grande y que pases genial la semana!!AQUÍ en España tenemos algunos días de FIESTA!!!!HERMANAS BOLENAhttp://hermanasbolena.blogspot.com/

  19. Ahhh bless, I bet the talk was perfect! and you look stunning, I love the skirt and it works so well against a casual grey marl sweat. Perfection!

  20. Already watched your talk and can say that it was more than good! It was not just informative in terms of how to create successful blog but also inspirational in terms of doing what you really like and pursuing dreams.Thank you for that!Wish you great week!

  21. i watched the pre-interview and i already have the feeling that your ted talk will be amazing! thanks for sharing!!and i love your skirt!www.absurdlypeculiar.blogspot.com

  22. You look adorable in this photos. And in video you look absulatelly a self confident and succesfull women. love you and what you do Andy. I wish you more and more success. Kissesmadamchic.blogspot.com

  23. I love that skirt!!! So so cute! I can totally understand that you were so relieved when you had finished speaking! I like the picture of you with your camera!

  24. Love the sweater with the glitter skirt! well done for getting through your talk I'm sure anyone would have been as nervous…including me ;)http://fashion-gourmet.blogspot.com/