Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce to you the warmest sweater I have ever owned. I kinda wish It was a little bit longer and a little bit more narrow but if I have to choose between this or nothing, I take this!.
I know, I know, you probably wonder why am I going bare legged in the middle of Autumn, but it was the best way to show the amazing skirt detail and since the tights weren’t really working, I took them off quickly for the shoot and put them back on right after, no I didn’t freeze to death ;) (ok, maybe a little) 


Damas y caballeros, les presento al suéter mas calientito que he tenido en toda mi existencia pero como diria Shakira; “Si es cuestión de confesar”, me hubiera gustado que fuera mucho mas largo, pero de esto o nada, ¡me quedo con esto!
Se que la mayoría se han de preguntar si perdi la razón por completo o ¿por que ando con las piernas descubiertas a finales de Noviembre? 
El detalle de la falda de piel no se veia nada con las medias negras así que me las quite para las fotos y me las puse en cuanto terminamos de tomarlas, así que no, no mori de frio ;) (bueno si, poquito)

Sweater: River Island / Skirt: H&M Trend / Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim / Shoes: ZARA / Sunglasses: Celine

176 Responses

  1. hey! you look gorgeous. Today I watched your newest and last monki television video and I must say the diy looked amazing. you gave me so much inspiration for my diys.You're so creative and I was very sad that it was your last episode :(Ninahttp://tgwfte.blogspot.com/

  2. such a sacrifice for a shooting! :)really love this outfit Andy!And I´m glad that you didn´t freeze to death!!! ;)have a beautiful evening!♥

  3. Hola Andy, te he mandado un correo hace unas semanas con información de un evento de moda y arte que estamos haciendo en México y nos encantaría que participes, puesto que eres una fuente de inspiración para muchos y nos sería de gran ayuda que estés presente en el evento.. ya que es el 10 de diciembre y necesitamos la recepción de infomación lo más pronto posible. Avisame si te ha llegado de todos modos te lo reenvio al correo que tienes aquí en tu blog. Nos encantaría que participaras. Graciashttp://mademoiselletrendy.blogspot.com/

  4. How great that you put translation, I'm learning spanish and I love to combine it with readin your blog! P.S. love the outfit <3

  5. Your sweater is super cute. I'm loving the fit and slit in your skirt. It's a good play on masculine and feminine. xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  6. me encanta cuando escribis en español! muy bueno el outfit!! valio la pena pasar un poco de frio para poder mostrar esa falda! jaja :) esa cartera de Phillip Lim es increíble! y felicidades por lso 4 años de tu blog!!! saludos desde buenos aires! =)janninehttp://fashionistarg.blogspot.com

  7. sweater really looks warm, exactly what i need know! however guess it can be difficult to wear it under outwear piece))And you look great as always!

  8. I was just thinking: It can't be that much warmer in Amsterdam than here in the east of The Netherlands, can it? ;-)And then I thought you must be amazingly brave.Brrr.But the skirt and the sweater look great. The skirt is sexy and that sweater looks deliciously warm.

  9. girl, don't do this ever again! OK, i have to admit that the detail of the skirt looks better in bare legs, but in this case your health is more important for us, that the skirt detail, damn ;)) big plus for the sweater! xoxofillthecity.blogspot.com

  10. love your sweather!you look great=)love to read your blog,It's funny and inspirational!!!xoxohttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/

  11. I love how structured and tailored this look is and classic with a knit and leather skirt. I would love it if you checked out my blog, I have interesting fashion posts you might love to read.www.thegirlinredheels.com