This beautiful cream leather skirt is definitely one of a kind and lucky for me, the weather was exceptionally warm yesterday so I was able to go bare legged, no problem ;)
Today is Sunday, I am flying to NY tomorrow morning and I have a ton of things to do, so no lazy Sunday for me….I hope you have an amazing rest of the weekend!

Leather skirt: H&M Trend (in stores soon) / Bag: ZARA / Boots: Alexander Wang / Blazer: ZARA (old) / Bracelet: Hermes

171 Responses

  1. Love this look – especially your berry-coloured sweater & it's shoulder/back detailing! Hope you have a wonderful time in NYC :)<3 Shawnahttp://serpentinestreets.blogspot.com

  2. you are one of the kind. can't wait to see more on your upcoming NY posts! love your garments as always!!!!take care ANdy :)www.thechicstyler.blogspot.com

  3. This look is amazing! You're right that the weather was perfect yesterday for bare legs, that will be different in NY! Have a good flight tomorrow and curious to see the pictures!Xx Jorienfab-by-me.blogspot.com

  4. Amazing combination of pink and cream and the golden sequin clutch completes the look wonderfully!!! Wow the clutch made the look actually !!!

  5. Hi Andy! Nobody has asked you about your bra. Where is it from?Your outfit is definitely beautiful, but these small details, in my opinion, are the most important and most of the times essential to make your outfit unique!Love,Martahttp://mycloset-mycloset.blogspot.com/

  6. Veo tu blog desde hace poco tiempo, pero me gusta muchisimo! Tu estilo es super :) amo también tu ciudad, Amsterdam, no sabia que es asi linda:) Amo tu bolsa de Zara!!!BesosAnna from Italy :)

  7. The skirt is amazing! You are so lucky you get to wear the stuff before it's in the store. Love this look very much xoxohttp://styleitup-eva.blogspot.com/