Once again I am getting ready to go to the airport and I have to admit, that this is somehow becoming a routine in my life. 
In fact, I am so used to it that I have been recognized by the duty free shop assistants on numerous occasions, not because of my blog, but because I normally tend to hang out there to kill time before my flight and spend money buying unnecessary things, which somehow seem necessary when you are at the airport.

This time I am off to Azerbaijan for the opening of a new multi-brand shop called Emporium, in fact, I wont be the only blogger there and as far as I know, Yvan will also be there.
I have to admit that I have no knowledge whatsoever about this particular part of the world, so I am incredibly excited to have the chance to see it and experience it. 
As usual, I am traveling alone, so documenting the whole thing might be tricky but I will try my best!

See you in Baku!

Leather pants: ZARA / Shirt: ACNE / Jacket: ZARA / Necklace: Monki / Shoes: ZARA

169 Responses

  1. I like how you incorporate cheap brands and mix with high end products ! That shows a real knowledge of style. And I looove that zipper jacket it looks so CHIC

  2. Hello Andy, I never post a comment on your blog before. But here I am because of an misunderstanding about copying each others outfit. Which is NOT!I indeed posted an outfit similar like this one of you. Only I posted it at the 25 of October so I did NOT copy you. Like you blog and your style!Keep on going strong….Ciao Bisou Annawww.annachoice.blogspot.com

  3. I need that jacket in my life, it is gorgeous. You are going to Azerbaijan, it is a beautiful country. I hope to travel the world someday and visit many countries. I would love for you to check out my blog, I have interesting fashion posts.www.modernbeauty21.blogspot.comJ. Choudhury x

  4. Zippers are great details! In this case, when you open them this jacket gets all new design. :)http://styleyourselfnow.blogspot.com/

  5. I adore today's look. The zipper details are cool and the shoes are beyond fantastic! Hope you have a fun trip.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  6. This outfit is absolutely incredibleeeeee I want this all so badlyAnd have fun on your trip! take it all in, you're going to have an amazing time :)Oliviaxxhttp://brokelittlerichgirl.blogspot.com/

  7. Haha I'm wearing the same shirt, love the jacket with it ! And want the shoes !xxwww.coralieslooks.com – FRENCH FASHION BLOG

  8. AMAZING! That jacket has been on my mind for several days now and finally, thanks to you, I am informed where to shop it! Yum oufit!xohttp://simply-c-cph.blogspot.com/

  9. this is just such an amazing combination!!! the jacket is wonderful, but together with the shoes and that necklace – beauuutiful!!! :)))

  10. this should be a unique experience! I wish i could travel that much too.. you definately need an assistant now,or we will missing ou too!!

  11. I think this outfit has too much items: elegant jacket + denim shirt + leather pants + golden shoes…there's not a line you've followed! Anyway, I like the necklace…Kisses,Giadahttp://giadascarnival.blogspot.com