StyleScrapbook iPhone case and some fancy sweatshirt I bought in a small boutique in Milan.

Hope you are having an amazing weekend so far!

106 Responses

  1. Your stylescrapbook iphone case is so damn cool!And I love your sweeter…can't wait to se more of it!!xo,

  2. no wayyy! who can say they have their OWN iphone case? YOU! you are such a lucky girl Andy! Be proud of yourself:D! you show us that it's worth all the hard work when you get what you wanted in the end! so inspirational!

  3. Me encantó tu protector de Iphone, lo mandaste a hacer?Que rara que se ve esa remera, me gustaría verla en ti, cómo la combinarías!?Un beso! Buen fin de semana!

  4. wow, andy! this sweater, adorable. i like the mix in front of it. and the iphone case—ah you must be so proud! wish you a wonderful weekend. lovely greets- maren

  5. Cool case! =)We´re promoting spanish fashion in Qatar, we make designer presentations, give style tips, discuss hot spots, qatari society and culture! Visit us! =) Greetings from Qatar!