Went to sleep last night with the news that Steve Jobs, the genius and visionary behind the items I pretty much rely on a daily basis (My Mac & iPhone) has passed away.

“Stay hungry, Stay foolish”

RIP Steve Jobs.

Skirt: TOPSHOP / Jacket: ACNE / Shoes: L’Autre Chose / Bag: Rebecca Minkoff / Rainbow+Cross bracelets: Fashionology.nl

164 Responses

  1. "Stay hungry, stay foolish." I know what that's from. He said that in his graduation speech. I found it very inspiring and used the image from the magazine with that quote as the wallpaper on my iPhone for a while. He is definitely an inspiring person and will be sorely missed by the whole world.

  2. i fell in love with this look when i saw the first photo, and that doesn't happen to me often. So gorgeous. You're looking amazing Andy!Love everything about this look; the colours, jacket, volume skirt, shoes… amazing.

  3. Hola Andy,Me encantó poder verte en persona en el evento de Mango. En persona eres incluso más guapa!Me encanta tu estilo. La falda de hoy es muy bonita.Steve Jobs era sin duda un genio.Un besohttp://www.martinakien.blogspot.com/

  4. Steve Jobs was a brilliant man; even his work for Pixar was revolutionary. Such a shame.Very interesting way of reinventing the bubble skirt. Looks great on you!

  5. The skirt is amazing but I love the belt too, is really especial! I hope you did enjoy last night Madrid! Kisseshttp://blesstheit.blogspot.com/

  6. Hola Andy,antes de comentar el look de hoy, decirte que ya vi las fotos en el perfil de Mnago en facebook, me hizo mucha ilusión conocerte en persona, eres un encanto y tienes una voz muy dulce, lo malo?que yo salgo muy pálida, jeje.Pues en cuanto a tu look de hoy comentarte que los colores encajan a la perfeccion y que luces esa falda divinamente, aunque también soy consciente que no a todo el mundo el quedaria asi de bien.Un besazo.

  7. Es muy triste lo que pasó con Steve, él hizo demasiadas invenciones extraordinarias!Me encanta tu falta baloon! Se ve muy tierna y elegante!Un beso!

  8. funny, i wore almost the exact same outfit today but in a different color! love your colors though :)"Join my Halloween Giveaway! Win a giant shopper, color block sandals plus a bunch of chocolates from Paisley clothing!"

  9. Aww I know, I was shocked when I heard the news about Steve Jobs. RIP. He was too young and a modern technology genius! Love your look, great color of skirt and love the watch.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  10. Love this outfit Andy, the skirt is gorgeous. it was so sad hearing about Steve Jobs today. his legacy will live on thoughraspberrykitsch.blogspot.comxx

  11. Love that skirt, such a smart look, the colours are just right! When I heard he died, I couldn't believe it ♥-Axellewww.ax-elle.blogspot.com

  12. Você está adorável neste look Andy! Adorei demais a saia e os acessórios! Como sempre tudo perfeito :)Fiquei triste também com a notícia, mas acredito que tudo tem seu momento certo de acontecer e o importante é sempre lembrarmos que o que ele mais queria nos passar é que nada é impossível, que temos que ousar e acreditar profundamente em nossos sonhos!RIP Steve Jobs!♥Tenha um dia maravilhoso!xoxoSusiewww.myfashionview.com

  13. In this period I would find the jacket of my dreams.The right size, cute, color…I like to combine that with a simple shirt for a casual look and I would find something like rock design.But I have not found what I am looking for.So :(((

  14. Love that burgundy skirt, it´s gorgeous Andy. You must watch that speech by Steve Jobs(in case you didn´t) it´s completely amazingenamodeuse.blogspot.com

  15. I just heard it, too.. It is really sad. But he will continue to be thanks his vision all over the planet!And speaking about something more positive.. I really love your skirt!