Starting NY fashion Week with 3 new pairs of party shoes to make it even more special, woot!

138 Responses

  1. Hoi Andy, de link die je naar de schoenen die je draagt post, zijn niet dezelfde schoenen als die die je draagt. Waar heb je deze gekocht/gekregen?

  2. Amazing! I have those Alexaner Wang in red!Bianca

  3. wow i was looking for similiar ones,too. but now that it is getting colder her in Germany I couldn't were them anymore anyway. visit me, i would be thrilled if you do :)lovesAnh from tha.Darlinh

  4. The first ones are my absolute favourites, love the sparkly effect. The Alexander Wang's are really stunning, I love the fabric and the heel. ♥

  5. hi,andy!i saw you in soho yesterday!i just got out from store and here you were,you walk passed front of me!it was so sudden i couldn't even say hi to you. but you looked great!enjoy nyc:Dbtw i love first pair of shoes:)

  6. I love the first pair…. Don't like the last one!! But I love your style.. The best bloggers' style! :) P.s. I saw your post of Andy for Mango. A week before I posted my 10 top list, Big fish was in the list! Great place right? The food, the architecture, the design, everything!Bisou

  7. your legs look ultra tan with the gold slippers!!! obviously the wangs are fabulous but where did you get the patent bow one those look like a feminine take on the creepers!!!

  8. Love the first pair. They look like the perfect loafers. And they are golden :DI hope the first two pairs make your feet heal ;)

  9. Love the shoes!! I own the Constance boots… they're worse than walking in Louboutin Pigalles… basically I cannot walk in the Constance boots at all! They're so painful and angled very sharply. Good luck and wear your shoes in good health!

  10. The last ones are insaaaaane! I hope they're comfortable and you won't finish fashion week limping, because usually such a great pair of shoes is always impossible to walk in… Can't wait to see what you'll wear them with!!