I tried my best to narrow it down from the hundreds of pics I had from Copenhagen Fashion Week.
Its always a bit difficult to get organized since I just arrived home on Saturday, literally switched bags and flew to Stockholm yesterday.

I made it to my hotel in Stockholm yesterday evening and its so amazing to stay at the same place, even the same room than last year! ( talk about a Deja Vu ;) … My first show is at about 9:30 this morning so I better get ready! 

Hope you like my pictures from Copenhagen and stay tuned for Scandinavia 2.0 with my pics from Stockholm! ;)

Pics by me and Bryan Boy

139 Responses

  1. Enthralling piece. I was just now looking around the net and I found your entry. Keep up the good work because I am favorating and subscribing to the blogs rss feed. Thanks

  2. I love all your pics! and Pink pants are so great on you!I am so glad that you share with your readers these pictures of fashion shows! :)

  3. Nice picturesI superlike your pink jeans and necklace! Wish you a great time there!

  4. Hola! Soy una hondureña viviendo en Francia y sólo quería decirte que me da tanto orgullo ver tu magnífico blog y cómo nos representas tan bien a los latinoamericanos en estos rumbos europeos. Leo muchos blogs de moda y considero que el tuyo es el mejor de todos. Te súper felicito y espero que continues con tu trabajo tan inspirador por mucho tiempo!

  5. Looove the outfit!I looove your blouse and looove the great big black bag! ♥Love your pics!I loove the 2nd photo of Dennis LyngsoLove the layout of Henrik Vibskov, so dreamy and loooove the last pic! SO BEAUTIFUL!-Eliza

  6. love your outfit!xoxo

  7. I like your pants, the colour :) Your shirt also looks very good on you…and you chose one of my-favourite-your-shoes ;)

  8. You just get more and more beautiful Andy! Great pics, and I love your pink jeans! Where are they from?

  9. I totally adore the first black dress that I saw is perfection wow GIVEAWAY ON MY BLOG CHECK IT OUT KISSES LOVELY PICTURES

  10. The photos look awesome! Especially your outfit photos! Love how everything is being put together!xoxo from singapore,

  11. nice andy! im happy that bryan boy is a filipino too. he lives in manila, philippines. i hope you visit our country too. im so jelous that he meet you already. i hope that someday i will meet you too and soonest. :) take care!

  12. LOL that necklace is becoming really a bloggers thing! :DBianca

  13. awww sta vez no pusiste traduccion y mi ingles no es el mejor pero me encantaron las fotos me da muchisimo gusto entrar a tu blog despues d un tiempo y ver lo bien que te va QUE EMOCION!!!! sigue asi un saludo enorme desde el D.F :D