
Yay! The second chapter of Andy’s Red Scrapbook for MANGO is out now, with a cool feature about whats in StyleScrapbook’s bag and the “Making of” video of my photo shoot in Barcelona, plus the “Insider” video at MANGO’s fashion show last May where you can see when the Kate Moss incident happened (do you remember I told you about it HERE?)…Hope you like them!


Ya salió el segundo capitulo de “Andy’s Red Scrapbook” para MANGO y yo feliz :D
En el podrás encontrar lo que SIEMPRE traigo en mi bolsa y el video del “Detrás de cámaras” de mi sesión de fotos en Barcelona para MANGO, ¡Espero que te gusten!

103 Responses

  1. amazing totatlly love this Andy u are so lucky to be there can wait to see the september magazine for mango the behind the scene is so awesome wau love reading your blog

  2. Hey Andy!Congrats for your last award!You deserve that!I do think that u r one of the best bloggers in the world!I am a brazilia blogger, and I'd like to meet you one day!Best WishesDri

  3. Great job Andy .. It was really interesting to watch this and to see everything !! P.S. Your outfit was absolutely great !!! Kisses from Fashion Twins :**www.thetwinsfriends.blogspot.com

  4. Hello to the email I sent you my address where I can win poslať. I Apologize that up so late but I was not home.Frederika from Slovakia

  5. You carry a lot of stuff around in your bag! :P Love the films! You should do more of them :)xx from Montreal,Sarah

  6. Hola guapísima!me han encantado los vídeos. que feliz de siento de que representes a una marca de mi país.muchos besos

  7. WOWWWWW Andy!! How nice!!! I love both videos! are fantastic!! In the first one you are so natural and so fun and the second one you are so beautiful with the print animal dress! And I love how you did the interviews! YOU ARE SO TALENTED! Congrats!Besos from BARCELONA! We are wainting you to see you again!

  8. Congratulations Andy !!!!The videos are superb!You have evolved a lot since you posted your first post and you keep doing it better and better. You are my role model :)All my love,

  9. Love Mango, forever Mango! You look happy and georgeous in the videos! Nice day Andy! Kisses

  10. Andyy me encantó el detalle de tu pasaporte Mexicano :D todo todo me encanta , tu ropa el maquilaje, el video esta super suave , totalment tu estilo. En la Pasarela de paris pareces una de las modelos. Pon un video en español algún dia :) sería genial :) un abrazote :) <3 Tere Cota

  11. Andyy me encantó el detalle de tu pasaporte Mexicano :D todo todo me encanta , tu ropa el maquilaje, el video esta super suave , totalment tu estilo. En la Pasarela de paris pareces una de las modelos. Pon un video en español algún dia :) sería genial :) un abrazote :) <3 Tere Cota