Its not everyday that I open the door to find the postman carrying a package from one of my favorite fashion houses, so HUGE thanks to Burberry for making my day with my new rainbows and sunnies :D (and by rainbows I meant rain boots :P)

P.S- Almost ready with the new designs for the banner, cant wait to show you!!!!


No es todos los días en los que llega el cartero a mi casa con un paquete de mi marca favorita, así que MIL GRACIAS a Burberry por haberme hecho el día (ah y al cartero también :P).

P.S- Ya casi termino con los nuevos diseños para el blog y me muero por enseñaremos.


108 Responses

  1. Dear Andy,in terms of style your blog is really really good ! ! ! i love looking at your fashion ideas – they're always full of colour and inventiveness. now that you've changed your blog layout i'd like to make a couple of suggestions:you should consider checking your spelling in english as well as in spanish – i don't think that the fact of the blog being a style blog should leave behind the fact that you're still writing . a spell check won't hurt. i also think that it would be interesting if you tried being photographed by someone else from time to time. i sometimes think your style is lost in these photographs, not because they're bad, but because they always look the same – same headshots, same close ups of accesories & same full body shots.I think this would make your blog SO much more interesting!Big love from Colombia !

  2. Lucky Girl!!!! =DI would die if Burberry send me a gift!!!!Enjoy!I think I will skip my job and run to to buy that boots LOL I liked so much ;)Kisses

  3. Perfect wellies, they don't even look like rain boots, they look like biker boots! ;) ♥

  4. this is the gift whic everyone want to receive… wooooow :D kiss by Giulia

  5. congrats, Andy! what a great package, you know :D can't wait to see how you'll rock the city with these pieces. new banner – new blog's life. good luck! ;)

  6. Wow I love those boots! They will look fantastic with a pair of skinny jeans! Can't wait to see how you style both items :)xx from Montreal,

  7. You are so lucky my dear;-) I'm SO happy for you !Ces lunettes et ces bottes are to die for !!!xoxo from a "chasseuse de styles" in BrusselsCéline Mademoiselle

  8. ooh you lucky thing! the boots are so fab!! : ) look forward to seeing the new banner design! :)B

  9. wooohoo!!! first time ever your page lets me comment. I have no idea why it wouldnt let me. Love your blog andysi algun dia vienes a san diego me avisas. tendras una tour guide aqui si necesitas :)xofrancesca

  10. The sunglasses are so fresh! I loooove the boots, they are so cute and perfect ;Dlove

  11. AMAZING!!! They must have definitely love you to give you those humongous presents on your birthday. :) Anyway, you deserve to have them. Can't wait for you to wear them on your OOTD. :)xoxo,LoveSkinBest